Common sense has finally won. Sisters Fialk and SZB signed a contract – Other sports – Sports


purple biatlon

Ivona Fialková, head of SZB Tomáš Fusko and Paulina Fialková after signing the contract.

Author: .

Sisters Paulin and Ivona Fialki have signed a contract with the Slovak Biathlon Federation (SZB) on the state sports performance and will be able to participate in the opening ceremony of the World Cup in Pokljuke, Slovenia. The signing took place after a mediation meeting at the Slovenian Olympic Committee (SOV).

Dispute between Sisters Fialkovi and SZB arose over state treaty
a sports performance to be signed by all the representatives. both
the representatives refused to say that they did not agree with a certain number of points
particularly with regard to the transfer of personality rights to the union.

To help they hired GARANT PARTNER legal s.r.o.,
who claimed that she was right to be the chief sports inspector at

The SZB reacted to the lack of signature of the contract so that its disciplinary committee
On November 16th, the sisters forbade to start the united competitions
with a representation of the Slovak Republic and has insisted so far on his

On Wednesday, the Minister of Defense of the Slovak Republic, Peter Gajdoš
Minister of Education, Science, Research and Sports of the SR Martina Lubyová, who
called on leaders of the SZB to abolish the prohibition to represent the Violet nuns.
According to Luby, she was involved in their participation in the opening ceremony of SP
in Pokljuka on the public interest and if they were not allowed to fill it,
threatening the union with the Ministry of sanctions.

We refresh …

Alica Fisterová, the chief sports inspector in Slovakia, was on the side
Purple. See the arguments in the following video.

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