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Herbs with a higher proportion of active medicinal substances were able to come out of the Prešov University. The new variety of camel rolls has already been shown by producers around the world.

A unique variegate of the weasel camel called Lianka, according to the daughter of assistant professor Ivan Šalamon of the University of Presov (PU). He spent 25 years doing this research. Its new varieties of chamomile have already been approved by the European Community and benefit from legal protection until 2043. This means that PU owns a variety that can be sold worldwide and receives license rights

] The uniqueness of the Lianka variety lies above all in a sufficient number of the most effective therapeutics of bisabolol and azulene, the occurrence of which is very rare in nature. They are found in the silica that they can get from the plant by hydrodestilation. It has a distinctive blue color, it's liquid and pounds cost up to 1500 euros, because it's only 0.5 kilograms of one hundred pounds of rum. It is used in cosmetics or tablets

Interest worldwide

However, the whole plant is used for healing purposes, the flowers can be used for tea, stems to obtain essential oils. "The variety Lianka contains in its silicon up to 55% of bisabolol and up to 20% of azulene.For previous varieties, it was only about 3 percent. It also has a higher fertility rate of up to 500 kilograms of dried flowers per hectare, " describes the expert on Solomon's medicinal and aromatic plants. Its flower does not fall apart and is therefore also suitable for export to the four corners of the world. Currently, they do not have such a variety elsewhere. Commercial use is in the pharmaceutical, cosmetics and food industries. A Slovak farmer from Plavnice (Stará Ľubovňa district) collects the Lianka harvester, which was designed by scientist Salomon. He wants his variety to come to all the states that work with him. With Australians working on introducing the cultivation of this plant on the island of Tasmania, collaborators are developing in Iran, Egypt, Nepal, India, South Africa, USA, South America to Chile and in Holland

was made visible in 2006 when Professor Solomon organized the first world symposium on research, development and production of camel peony under the auspices of the International Society for Horticultural Sciences, based in Belgium . Last year, a new unique type of Kristinka peppermint with high menthol content was awarded to a new peppermint Kristínka. It was patented two years ago for having developed a unique technology for the isolation of medicinal herbs

19659004] It is one of the oldest and most famous medicinal plants and as abundant as in the past. It is one of the most popular herbs that people have since the Egyptian pharaohs era to treat a variety of common diseases, to make cosmetic preparations and improve the environment.

The ability of artificial plants to bring relief to human beings has been part of the mythology of different cultures and civilizations for many periods. Mythology is a handful of the nine sacred grasses that the god of the ancient Germans Ódin gave to the mortal to improve their lives and to bring order into confusion

The effects of Kamilka Pumpkin's pharmacodynamic properties showed a considerable spectrum of its therapeutic effects. They help digestion, help to relieve the nervous system – stress, nervousness and irritability, help treat gastric ulcers and hemorrhoids, shorten healing, bruise, burn and stretch muscles, eliminate menstrual cramps, relieve pain. inflammation of the joints, stimulate the activity of the white immune system, restore intestinal microflora, promote swallowing and colds, help treat rashes, develop with the hair – give them strength, shine and lighter odor and actively help in neck and throat pain

Russian name – Romaška aptečnaja
German – Echte Kamille
Spanish – Camomila borda
Hungarian – Székfü, Kamila
Bulgarian – Lajka
Italian – Chamomilla vulgare;
English – Common Chamomile
French – Small Chamomile

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