Consumers should fight dual quality products by supporting domestic producers


BRATISLAVA, July 15 ( – Globalization can be dangerous for the consumer and can cause serious problems.

Human Health Has Unquantifiable Value

In Relation to the Last Missouri County Jury Decision to Impose a Fine on Johnson & Johnson's Multinational (J & J) rising to 4.69 billion. US President Emil Macho, President of the Slovak Chamber of Agriculture and Food

said: "It is clear from the Court's judgment that human health has a huge, if not incalculable value However, people do not buy money for their money, I do not know of any Slovak company that would embark on such scandals, I am happy that Slovaks are starting to turn more to domestic products. " , he added.

Transnational chains have closer links with multinationals, according to Emil Mach, than with domestic manufacturers. "Some global chains are rejecting Slovak food, because huge international producers can subsidize individual product groups or even try to dominate the market in some countries to undermine the loss of consciousness," says the president of the room

. center of interest

In order to protect the consumer, the SPPK will therefore propose to the agricultural and economic sector to strengthen the national control system. For example, one of the proposals will be to strengthen the controls of storage areas of restaurants, hotels or public dining establishments. Slovakia, according to the SPPK, is not able to effectively control the entire product life cycle abroad.

"It is different for domestic and national suppliers." Slaughterhouses have permanent veterinary supervision, domestic producers are allowed to certify the process of production and production, warehouses and stores run by inspectors. At home, we are able to protect our consumers more efficiently.According to the US court ruling, arguments in favor of millions of liquidation fines in Slovakia are not obsolete. "Johnson & Johnson (J & J ) must be a group of women who, after using hygienic products containing asbestos tars with an asbestos – ovarian cancer product, pay a fine and damages totaling 4.69 billions of dollars. It's the jury in Missouri.

According to Reuters, this is by far the highest amount that the company has to pay for similar fees. A group of 22 women in a joint action against J & J argued that the use of certain products containing talc, including child care, has caused them.

According to the plaintiffs' lawyers, the company knew that the tartar contained asbestos.

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