Continental: Slovaks ride with worn tires like the Czech – Magazine – Auto


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Continental Vision Zero Roadshow, a well-known continental company, has recognized the tire quality of Slovak and Czech drivers' vehicles. The results showed that Slovaks pay less attention to security.

Tires are safe if they have a sufficient wearing course. In Slovakia
a race is allowed with a minimum depth of 1.6 mm in summer
tires and 3 mm in winter tires. In the Czech Republic
the same standard for summer tires, but in winter, it must have a depth of sculpture
at least 4 mm

Continental's Vision Zero Strategy is Target Based
avoid fatal accidents on the road. The company wants to achieve
by connecting high end security car systems
tires. At the same time, however, it is important not to underestimate motorists
the technical condition of the tires on which their properties depend

A survey of the Slovak and Czech roads took place in April,
while he was able to measure the car model 1635. In Slovakia, the workers
they checked 723 cars in the cities of Považská Bystrica, Bratislava, Banská
Bystrica, Košice and Presov. In the Czech Republic, he underwent a
912 vehicles in the cities of Hradec Králové, Pardubice, Prague, Liberec, Ústí

The professional guarantor in Slovakia was BECEP (Department of Road Safety, Brno, Olomouc, Ostrava,
Ministry of Transport and Construction of the Slovak Republic) and in the Czech Republic BESIP
(Department of the Ministry of Transport of the Czech Republic coordinating road safety
traffic). Controls in Slovakia revealed up to ten vehicles
summer tires with less than 1.6 mm. In the Czech Republic

In terms of winter tires, the controllers in Slovakia revealed 25 cars
with winter tires with insufficient sculpture, accounting for 11%.
In the Czech Republic, within the legal limit of up to 15% of cars.
The most used winter tires had pilots this winter
in the Banskobystrický region. Up to 10% of them had a pattern of less than 3 mm.
The least used winter tires were drivers from the Bratislava region,
the limit was not just greater than 1% of vehicles.

Head of Continental Barum s.r. Juraj Ižvolt
note that the average braking distance of winter tires is 3 mm
on dry road 39.3 m and wet up to 87.9 m. When braking in the wet
the road is the braking distance of the used winter tires compared
with new summer longer up to 20 meters and compared to the used summer

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