Cristiano Ronaldo does not stop to astonish, physical tests have revealed amazing results


today 8:45 am

The Portuguese football striker Cristiano Ronaldo has a physical capacity of 20 years.

As reported by a new employer, a 33-year-old Madrilenian, Italian club Juventus Turin, showed the results of a medical check-up before recent speculation about the transfer of Real Madrid Madrid's best footballer

Cristiano Ronaldo only has 7% which is about three percentage points less than the average professional footballer. Muscular mass is 50% of the body, 4% more than the average for the footballers

The AS daily adds that the captain of the Portuguese representation at MS 2018 in Russia presented at a maximum speed of 33.98 km / h , the highest of all (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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