Criticism of the new Pokemon game: Pikachu on the way to a new adventure


After Mari and Zelda, Nintendo Switch receives another crucial title that fans have been waiting for.

The Pokémon provoked hysterium a long time ago in the animated series and two years ago he managed to do it again unexpectedly, in the form of a mobile game. Pokemon Gowhich has become a phenomenon in a short time. On Nintendo consoles, however, games with this theme are released at regular intervals for a long time and are enjoyable.

Until now, however, they were mainly the domain of the Nintendo 3DS handheld console. Because of the success of Nintendo Switch, it was only a matter of time when we will see a full-fledged RPG of this universe, even on the latest console of the company. No more waiting, Pokemon, let's go, Pikachu! or Pokémon Let's go, Eevee! They arrived.

Do not neglect our video of the game:

Pokémon: Let's go, Pikachu! the review was provided by Conquest Entertainment.

Known region as well as creatures

As the Pokémon series grew, we discovered new regions and new types of Pokémon. In the new title Switch, we will return to the beginning or the Kanto area, where we will catch the first 151 Pokémon. If you grew up in the series, you will be known as Charmander, Bulbasaur, Squirtle, Pidgey and, of course, the famous Pikachu.

Pokémon Let's go, Pikachu / Eevee! we can be considered as a remake of Pokémon Yellow, released 20 years ago for Game Boy. But now we found it in a nice graphic with a slight change in the gameplay.

"We wake up in the kids' room, then we'll take our first Professor Oak Pokemon to hit the road for the Pokemon coach."

The title begins as many of its predecessors. We wake up in the children's room, then we'll take our first Professor Oak Pokémon so that we can take over the Pokémon coach. It means traveling from city to city, catching new Pokémon, fighting with our rivals and especially winning gymnastics gyms, where the best coaches of individual cities work.

In cities, we can "chat" and buy.

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In cities, we can "chat" and buy.

Source: Martin Sabol

The first Pokémon, which the player draws from the teacher, is Pikachu or Eevee, depending on which version of the game you buy. We can then take a trip that takes us a few dozen hours. The game is vast, it offers a world in which we can move freely, even if our environment will open gradually.

Take them all

The Pokémon password has always been "grab all" and we can try it too in the news. During our trip, we will be hit by areas where various types of Pokémon move freely and we can capture arbitrarily. In this respect, the title has undergone a slight innovation.

Wild Pokémon now move in the grass in real time and the player can see them. This means that we can choose exactly what we want to catch or, if we do not want it, we can easily avoid it. In the past, this was not the case and the Pokémon attacked us randomly at the crossing and we did not have the chance to avoid them under normal conditions. We see this change in a positive way, it speeds up the game, makes it useless and does not spoil it.

In the grass, we can dwell on our new Pokémon.

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In the grass, we can dwell on our new Pokémon.

Source: Martin Sabol

Changes have also occurred in the pokemon capture process itself. Now, do not weaken them in the competition before weighing the ellipse. We simply throw it and we wait for it. For higher level monsters, it is also desirable to use a better pope or weaken them with fruit berries.

However, the moment should be well chosen to increase our chances of capture. If we catch a pokemon, we will be added to our backpack and we will be able to use it during battles with other coaches.

At the same time, we can have six active Pokemon-up to raise the level and choose them in combat. However, we can modify this sixth according to the strategy we currently prefer.

Everyone has strengths and weaknesses

Another common aspect of capture is combat. Whether random characters that make up the map or specialized coaches in the cities. Each Pokemon has certain qualities and abilities that we will use. They are only four at a time, new levels can learn new ones, but some of the older ones will have to be judged.

From time to time, there will be battles where several Pokémon will face each other.

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From time to time, there will be battles where several Pokémon will face each other.

Source: Martin Sabol

During fights and skills, it is also necessary to use the head to be effective. Each Pokémon also represents a certain type, such as grassy, ​​aquatic, rocky, fiery, electric and many others. In fact, the water is effective against fire, rocky grass and so on. If a player controls strengths and weaknesses, he knows what Pokemon has to do against a particular opponent and increases his chances of winning.

This fighting system works practically from the beginning of the series and you can hardly read anything. It's logical, it's fun, and the players are also forced to demonstrate tactics. In this respect, the authors did not make much changes and did not need them.

In addition to conventional techniques, our Pikachu will gradually learn five additional techniques called "hidden techniques" that we will not use in combat, but will allow us, for example, to overcome the obstacles that previously prevented us or we can quickly move to the previous. places.

In stock after stock

In cities, we usually find several points of interest that are worth visiting. In addition to the gyms, we also find stores in which we buy new pots of sweat and various items that will improve the health of wounded Pokémon, possibly allowing them to fall asleep or to eliminate poisonings. These items are always appropriate in stock because we never know when we need them.

Then we will not get it. We must come back later when we find it as an obstacle to eliminate.

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Then we will not get it. We must come back later when we find it as an obstacle to eliminate.

Source: Martin Sabol

In the cities, we also find Pokémon centers to take care of our injured friends. We also recommend talking to different people because they do not give us good advice or give us anything.

Take a real elbow

Nintendo also created a special tweeter-like driver for this game, which we were lucky to try. The controller has a joystick to move the character, which also serves as a button, and another button on the top of the ball.

"We were better handled in pocket mode when we use both Joy-con drivers."

Of course, these are motion sensors, because we can simulate bullets when capturing catacombs. When we catch the Pokémon, the ball starts to vibrate and releases the sound, which adds to the authenticity while playing.

On the other hand, the controller is smaller than expected, and it's a bit inconvenient to play longer, and it starts to hurt. Apparently, it was designed primarily for kids who do not have this problem, like people with smaller hands.

The title can also be played with a special driver.

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The title can also be played with a special driver.

Source: Martin Sabol

The best game has been managed in handheld mode when we use both Joy-con controls. When playing on television, the title uses only one, and when you catch pokemon, you have to use the control of the movement, which is not always practical or precise.

The most beautiful Pokémon to date

In the case of Pokémon games, we could not wait to see the graphic wonders, because Game Boy, Nintendo DS and Nintendo 3DS have their limits. With the switch to a much more powerful Switch, the situation is changing and we have since won the most prestigious title of Pokémon.

The graphics are breathtaking and much more exquisite than those in the series.

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The graphics are breathtaking and much more exquisite than those in the series.

Source: Martin Sabol

The game has pretty cartoon graphics that look like animated series and fit the style of the title perfectly. Individual creatures are treated in good quality and offer us details that we have not seen in these games so far. The music is catchy and the sound quality better than the handheld version.

Note: engage new players and experienced players

Pokémon Let's go, Pikachu! is the first major game in the Pokémon Switch series and, even if it brings changes, its basic pillars are preserved. The creators wanted to join new players who had not yet played Pokémon games, but they did not want to disappoint even the rock fans. We can say that they did it. The game simplifies things, but does not lose its face.

Watch the following video of reading:

The gameplay is always fun, catch fights. You will want to progress in history, get new Pokémon and badges from the coaches. The change in the capture of creatures is a good step and we also appreciate the opportunity to see the true wild pokemon movement in the wild.

What annoys us a bit is controlling the control of movement when you catch a pokemon in a game show that does not always work. Someone may also constantly repeat the same activities after a stereotyped time, which also applies to animations during fights. Overall, however, the game works, has fun and can be addictive. If you have a Nintendo switch, you do not have to hesitate. Go grab them all.

The title is sold for about 47.99 euros. Pack the game with a special flyer in the form of an overhead projector will bring you about 80 euros.

Pokémon: Let's go, Pikachu! the review was provided by Conquest Entertainment.


  • Really addictive

  • Beautiful visual
  • New mechanics during capture
  • The authors represented the first generation of Pokemon

  • Motion control has flies

  • Stereotyped animations

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