CSKA Moskva – Viktoria Plzen


It's all about this game. Thank you for your attention and I wish the good rest of the evening.

In the second half, Pilsen reversed the match and won 2: 1. Procházka's magnificent goal was corrected by a nice shot, but he eventually defeated the win on the host side, Hejda. CSKA finally pushed Pilsen in a clear goal but without success. Plzeň reached a point in the CSKA and thanks to better mutual matches, he climbed to third place in the group.

90 + 3

The ball was still heading for the Nababkin penalty area and Becao was running. Goalkeeper Hruska made a good start.

90 + 3

Last minute match. Akinfejev strikes the ball forward, but Sigurdsson does not win the ball.

90 + 2

Jan Kopic (FC Viktoria Plzeň) is cautioned by the referee.

90 + 1

Čermák suffered tremendous pressure from CSKA players, who almost lost their ball in their own penalty area. But finally, with the help of goalkeeper Akinfejev, they advised.


It will be played for three more minutes.


The defender of the Blacks went to the point where he was looking for the center of Vlašić. Plzne's defense only turned the ball to Bistrović, whose shot ends in goalkeeper Hruska's hand.


The local team was quick to attack, while the hosts' defense was not settled yet and Jefremov attempted an attempt at around 25 meters, his shot flying overhead.


Guests take the time each turn. The spectators have now moved closer to goalkeeper Hruška, who has extended his deficit deficit.


All Pilsen players are under pressure to find themselves in their own penalty area. Žamaletdinov did not have the opportunity to travel to Hejda, but the ball bounced in the goal. Similarly, Jefremov's attempt on the left was similar.


Bistrović sent a perpendicular pass through Kucajeva's thrusts, but Hubner was the first to play the ball. I just returned the ball right to the house.


It seems that Pilsen only focuses on defense. Almost all Pilsen players are on the defensive half and are waiting for a combination of CSKA.


Viktoria Plzeň scored a goal!

The corner started shortly afterwards in Hrošovský's penalty area and his center found LUKASA HEJDU, who managed to get the ball past Goalkeeper Akinfejeva. Pilsen takes the lead!


Substitution with FC Viktoria Plzeň: Tomáš Chorý came off the court and Jakub Řezníček arrived.


The picturesque situation took place in the substitution of Čalova. There was a fan on the lawn who had taken pictures of Chalova while he was still on the ground. Despite the huge winter selfie with the fan, Chalov smiled.


Substitution at CSKA Moscow: Fjodor Čalov leaves Timur Žamaletdinov.


Sigurdsson was focused on the right side, but Chalov did not participate in the air combat today and, as he did not even enter, the ball was won by Hubnik.


However, the ball was immediately recovered and after a pass to Hubner, they could move on to another sequential attack. He ended up shooting down the edge of the penalty area, but ezník goalkeeper Akinfejev caught him.


The guests tried to make a slight effort and keep the ball in the game. After hitting Chorie on the ball, the ball loses.


Pilsen in the attack very quickly lost the ball and the players in the white must return quickly because the home team goes through the attack. Their action finally ended Havel's attacks in the tribune.


CSKA Moscow has reversed the initiative in recent minutes and pushed Pilsen. Sigurdsson's strike of about 25 meters was performed by goalkeeper Hruška.


Substitution in the CSKA Moscow team: Ivan Obljakov left Konstantin Kucayev.


Chalov was not resolved by Hejdu, but found a pass from the right side of Sigurdssona completely free, which failed in a live match with goalkeeper Hruska.


Substitution to FC Viktoria Plzeň: Milan Petržela leaves Milan Havel.


Černák commits a foul in the middle of Fernandes' play area. Ball for the house.


On the center of Obljakov jumped Jefremov, but his head did not pass through the defender Plzne at the door. He then shot Becao with his sixth, but his shot was also blocked.


Vlašić was again centered, this time on the other side and just before Jefremov at the bottom of the bar, he was directing the ball around the corner of ezník.


Today, Vlašić 's big free kick has scored the goals of the local team and scored. Even though one of Plzne's defenders bluffed the ball, the dangerous situation did not occur because no one was in the red after him.


The game has slightly quieted in the last few minutes. CSKA undergoes a gradual attack.


Pilsen must win today and thus open his defense in the second half. Vlasic tried twice on the left side, but he did not go past the defenders of Pilsen. Bistrovića then hits Defencer Hubnik.


Fernandes, on the other hand, was the ideal player for future players. Kalov and Vlašić do not have the necessary centimeters to hit the center. The next blow of Jefremov flew away.


You are now playing a very good game at high speed. The guests had two corner kicks one behind the other, none of them being dangerous for Akinfejeva 's door and also put an end to Čermák' s shooting. about 20 meters.


Cartrik receives a yellow card. Patrik Hrošovský (FC Viktoria Plzeň) is booked.


Another attack at home. Chalov attacked quickly, dragging the ball on his left side and crossing the goalpost, where the ball had just missed the empty portal of Obljakov. It was a chance!


On the other hand, Vlašić wanted to react very quickly to volleyball, but Pears had his bombs on his shoulder.


Viktoria Plzeň scored a goal!

It's balanced! Kopic was very outspoken for the defense on the right side of Kovařík, who entered the penalty area. The first player did not miss his pass, but in the second wave, ROMAN PROCHÁZKA, who was the first to throw the ball in the ball, eliminated all the canvases located in the right glove of the door. # 39; Akineyev.


The view of Lužniki in Moscow indicates that Christmas is coming. On billboards, they already retain the snow and it snows more and more strongly.


The patient shot sixteen years after the Kovacik rupture. With the shot in the center, Akinfejev had no problem.


A similar situation was now halted by the online referee raised by the flag. Ofsajd Plzen.


After a long pass to Patrik Hrošovský's defense, he missed the ball and there is no dangerous situation.


For the moment, both sides are fighting mainly. In the second half of the year, very tough interventions were carried out in the middle of the field on both sides.


Both teams have already attempted to attack for the first time in the second half of the season and neither team has taken a dangerous opportunity.


Both teams alternated during the break. The arrival of Kopica is a clear order for the more offensive game of Pilsen.


CSKA Moskva: Georgiy Shchennikov leaves, Dmitry Jefremov arrives. Team Viktoria Plzeň: David Limbersky leaves Jan Kopic.


CSKA Moskva: Georgiy Shchennikov leaves, Dmitry Jefremov arrives. Team Viktoria Plzeň: David Limbersky leaves Jan Kopic.


The second half started.

The second half will begin around 19h58.

The home team was more active and dangerous in the first period. The head came 10 minutes after the famous penalty Vlašića. The guests kicked the punishment, but Akinfeyev kept the drive, keeping the home away from home. Pilsen has not done much in the first half, and if he wants to win in the match today, he will have to do well in the second half.

45 + 3

The first half is over.

45 + 3

Pilsen's last corner kick in the first half was trying to hit Hubner's head, but his head came from the corner but did not go to the door.

45 + 2

Fernandes was running behind Shchennik's curve, but he was away.

45 + 1

The local team is already trying to play halftime at the center of Pilsen and has nowhere to attack.


He will play for two more minutes.


After the corner corner, Řezník and Hubník were kicked right in front of them in the goalkeeper, hitting the Nababkin ball.


Roman Procházka gave his sentence to the ground on the right post, on which goalkeeper Akinfejev and the punishment left.


Now comes a surprising moment. The goal was scored from the penalty spot after a handball in the penalty area. Penalta for Pilsen!


Guests in the next successive combination. In their combinations, however, there is no thought or moment of surprise.


Nababkin concentrated on Calvo, who jumped with Hejdom on the jump. His blood runs from his nose, but after the treatment he will continue.


Chalov at the edge of the penalty area picked up the ball and Hejda gave Akinfejev a good kick. This creates another CSKA attack.


The guests wanted a combination step by step, but the ball quickly lost. The home team was immediately out of the box and this could be a homicidal effort.


The CSKA corner has flown from the other side and the ball is in Pilsen.


Chalov made a good pass in Vlašić's right pass, his attempt to the left of the sharp corner was thrown into the corner.


Roman Hubník (FC Viktoria Plzeň) is shown the yellow card.


The corner failed, but after making a pass in the penalty area, the Hejda forgot. Becao struck him in front of him.


Center Kovařík flew to the nearest rod, where Procházka cut his head. No other ball hits, Pilsen hits another corner.


Hubner found a precise passport on the right side of Petržel, whose center blocked Chernov on another corner of Pilsen.


However, the corner kick did not create a dangerous situation and visitors had to return to their half of the match.


Walker shoots at the corner with a shot without any problems.


On the other hand, Vlašić Kovařík improperly undermined the ball. Direct shot of Plzne from a good shooting position.


Sigurdsson could attack, but he decided to wait for Čalov, who cheered uselessly and lost the ball.


The Kovaříkov centers did not go to the impending choir. Striker Plzne has not won many matches yet.


For the next pass, Fernandes entered the penalty area of ​​Čalov, which was a bit pompous in front of the back of Hejda. He did not hit the ball and he caught Pear. The penalty of the referee also did not spit.


Shots: 6: 0
Shots on goal: 2: 0


The excellent pass from Čalov through all the defending players landed exactly at the foot of the Ščennikov run, which only overwhelmed defender Plzne by the net.


Centered on the right side of the flight until the head of the running Chorus, the last moment caught him in front of goalkeeper Akinfeyev. The home team lost their ball and joined the visitors.


After a short treatment of Hubner, the game continued with Pilsen. The butcher lost the ball and attempted to get a direct kick, but the referee did not spit.


Yellow card was awarded to Fjodor Čalov (CSKA Moscow). In air combat, he scored the head of the defender Plzeň Hubník.


The local team is still under control and is again drawn to the opposing half. Plzne players facilitate the combination with the factual presentation Platonic.


Vlašić on the right side, Hrošovský; his right side shot ends on the Hruška door.


Fernandes, after winning the ball, could have escaped Chalova, but was given a pass.


Obljakov got entangled in the central circle and the guests gathered for the ball. However, the CSKA defensive formation having been fast, they must attack in their entirety.


The home team's corner corner struggled to score, but the ball misses the ball.


After the center of Čalov, he fired at Obljakov from the turn. The pear makes a big breakthrough.


The butcher was in the offside again after a pass to the right. The standard traps available from us are excellent.


The guests have not kept the ball for a long time and need to come back quickly. Fortunately for them, Čalov swam in front of the penalty area with his own hand.


Fernandes hit the ball with Vlašić on the right and the ball went back to the ball. His successor center found a future Schennikov whose head flies just above the Hruškov gate.


Kovařík was concentrating from left, but his center found only one teammate at a disadvantage, namely that it was Butcher's.


Ivan Obljakov (CSKA Moskva) is shown a yellow card. Petržel slipped in the middle of the field.


He's now trying to kick Hejda to Choroy, who's been ahead of Becau for a while, but the ball hit him too hard, so Akinfeyev, first,


The visitors hold the ball but the defenders are not offered to the teammates.


CSKA Moscow gave a goal!

NIKOLA VLAŠIĆ sent a repair kick on the left side. The pear, standing in the middle of the door, had no chance.


CSKA is doing well! After the center of Fernandes, the ball came back to Ščennikov, which Petrzela pulled into the penalty area.


Even the local crowd does not move and combines mainly in the middle of the field. Attacking the guests is not very aggressive and the defenders have enough time to disperse.


The guests won the ball and try to establish an attack from their own half. Kovařík kicked Petržel, but he contributed to the victory.


Aleš Čermák is about to make a mistake on the ground. But he will continue the game.


The house is always more active and the guests have big movement problems.


The first shot of the match. Chalov shifts to Bistrović, who shoots for the sixth after the first. But the shot did not come and went out.


Several of the balls in the middle of the box end up with a Sigurdssona walk. However, the home team is not going ahead and does not combine with its half.


The visitors received the ball and attempted to attack, but the attack stopped an imprecise pass.


The match was started by local striker Cálov and the first attack of the home team immediately arrived. Hubner kicked the car.


The meeting has just started.

Both teams are already on the field and the game will start a while. Home in red jerseys, invited in white. The weather in Moscow is cold, the temperature is below freezing and snow.

Introductory meetings:

CSKA Moskva: Akinfeyev (C) – Nababkin, Becao, N. Chernov – Mário Fernandes, Vlašić, Bistrovic, Ščennikov – Sigurdsson, Čalov, Obljakov.
Substitutes: Pomazun – Jefremov, Nishimura, Kucayev, Bijol, Gordushenko, Žamaletdinov.

FC Viktoria Plzen: A. Hruška – Řezník, Hejda, R. Hubník (C), Limberský – Hrošovský, Procházka – M. Petržela, Al. Čermák, J. Kovařík – Chorý.
Substitutes: Kozáčik – Bucha, Hořava, J. Kopic, Pernica, Mr Havel, Jakub Řezníček.

Judge: Makkelie – Diks, Steegstra (all of Holland).

The G group is currently leading a pair of AS Roma – Real Madrid in four rounds with nine points, ending up in a group match tonight. CSKA Moscow has 4 points and Pilsen 1. If CSKA Moscow does not win today, Real Madrid and AS Roma will secure the procedure before the match and their match will probably determine only the winner of the group . CSKA Moscow must win the hope of winning the race and must rely on other results for the remaining matches. Pilsen is no longer in progress, but still has a chance for a spring extension in the European League. But he must win in Moscow today.

FC Viktoria Plzen

The only Czech MP in the group stage with several Slovak players on the list, he does not sell convincing performances at all. Pilsen is second, but after two draws in the last two games, Slavia has rebounded four points, the draw at home with the twelfth Pribram being a permanent loss.

In the Champions League, Pilsen of Group G finished last with one point and lost the theoretical chance of moving to the spring phase, still struggling for a third place to guarantee at least one springtime extension of the European League. While they beat CSKA Moscow 2: 2 at home in the first match, they must win today to win that chance. The two defenders will miss, however, due to injury – midfielder Daniel Kolar and forward Michael Krmenčík, who was the best shot of this season in Plzeň.

Previous matches:
Pilsen – CSKA Moscow 2: 2
AS Roma – Pilsen 5: 0
Real Madrid – Pilsen 2: 1
Pilsen – Real Madrid 0: 5

CSKA Moskva

The local team finally takes the right turn after an unconvincing start in the national competition and after a series of successful matches, it has moved to the current 3rd place. For the second Krasnodar, CSKA lost only 3 points, but for the first Zénith Saint-Petersburg, he has already lost eight points at home and his title in the Russian League begins to relax considerably. In the last five games, they have won 10 points and won the last two games (beating the leader of Zenit), which allows them to qualify their form in a very good way.

With regard to the Champions League, CSKA already hopes that this practice will be practically theoretical. The home team beat Real Madrid, but failed to beat AS Roma (0: 3, 1: 2) in first place. With 4 points, they occupy the third place of the group and if they want to keep at least the theoretical chances of the game, they must win today without conditions. The local team is missing enough players – defender Vasin will certainly not be injured and another defender Magnusson scored in the last game. The beginnings of Achmetov, Dzagojev, Hernández and Sigurdsson are uncertain.

Previous matches:
Pilsen – CSKA Moscow 2: 2
CSKA Moscow – Real Madrid 1-0
AS Roma – CSKA Moscow 3: 0
CSKA Moskva – The AS Rome 1: 2

Welcome to the fifth round of the group stage of the Champions League between CSKA Moscow and FC Viktoria Plzeň.

Welcome to the online transmission. The meeting will begin at 18:55.

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