CURIOZION DAY: Henry Ford will celebrate his 155th birthday today


The American Henry Ford was not only a businessman, but also a technical and organic talent. His birthday will expire on Monday, July 30, 155.

  Illustration Illustration of the article DAY CURIOUS: Henry Ford will celebrate his 155th birthday



As the founder and owner of a car company became a
the richest and best known people in the world. Try to produce at
spend the least cost has not only led to inventions
various technical amenities, but also to discover the fact that

Henry Ford was born on July 30, 1863 as one of six farmer children
Mary and William Ford Ford in Dearborne, Michigan. his
the parents were immigrants. The mother came from Holland for her father from Ireland.
From childhood he was fascinated by the technique, in 1875 he set up his first
workshop where he built his first steam engine. At the age of thirteen
My mother is dead. In 1879 he left the Detroit family farm and trained
behind the locksmith. When he returned to Detroit, he helped his father on the farm
especially with the maintenance of the equipment and sometimes work in the factories
in Detroit

In 1888, he married Clara Bryant, who grew up nearby
the farm and his family powered by sawmill operations. In 1891, Ford became
technician at Edison Illuminating Company in Detroit, from
In 1893 he was the chief engineer. After working on the development of gasoline
engine and in 1896 was the first car in the world (Quadricycle)
of his own construction. He built a framework for the construction of the frame,
a leather belt and a transmission chain for transmission and a seat for strollers.

The silver of the first model used for another

Ford had to design its own ignition system. The first machine sold
for $ 200 and used to build his second car.

In 1899 Henry Ford left the company and on August 5, 1899 founded
with other investors belonging to Detroit Automobile Company.
From the beginning, he had the idea that the car should not be just a toy for
rich. That's why he did not agree with his companions.
The company, which produces only a few cars a year,

From the second company Henry Ford Company, founded in 1901, against
his will began producing luxury models and became the base of Cadillac,

The famous Ford Motor Company was founded on June 16, 1903 in the suburbs
Detroit, where the management of the company is now at home. The first car
produced at Ford Motor Company sold July 23, 1903 and in the year
In 1906, Henry Ford became the president of the company and also the majority
owner of the company. He has fulfilled his vision of affordable cars.

The entrepreneur of his employees motivated higher wages than they had
Workers in the United States and their share of profits.

As one of the first in the United States, they gave them eight hours of work, and
a five-day work week. He secured their family members
medical care, schools and recreation facilities. Your employees
never underestimated, could present their own proposals for improvement. this


Ford moves his factory in 1910 north of Detroit and sets it up
the production of cars in it. Workers worked on its assembly lines
specially trained for an activity. His Ford T became
also known by the nickname Tin Lizzie, namely Plechová Líza and bought it in it

Grow Empire

Gradually the empire grows up and in 1911, Ford opens its first factory
in Manchester United Kingdom. He spent his whole life working and driving cars. wrong
a complicated relationship with the only son Edsel that he named at age
26 years as president of the company. Three years later, Edsel died at
stomach cancer. Henry Ford returned to the direction of the company
Finally, in September 1945, Henry's grandson moved to this post
Ford II

In May 1946, Henry Ford was rewarded for his contribution to the car
the industry, and later in the same year, the American Petroleum Institute
Petroleum Institute awards its first annual gold medal.

Henry Ford dies at his home in Dearborn, a suburb of Detroit, United States.
April 7, 1947, at the age of 84 years.

Dearborne is also home to the American Innovation Museum
Henry Ford (Henry Ford Museum of American Innovation). This is the biggest
a museum complex in closed spaces in the United States

Despite the controversial character traits, it's still awesome
Industrial Revolution

Photo: Illustrative

Source: TASR

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