Czech Minister of Defense Metnar: for doubts in the degree thesis, he will not leave


"After evaluating the whole situation, I decided not to offer the Prime Minister's resignation", Metnar said at a press conference about inconsistencies in his dissertation diploma. On Tuesday, Czech television reported inconsistencies in the defense minister's graduation thesis. According to his degree thesis raises doubts, even if it is not a typical plagiarism. The minister doubts his work surprised. (19659003) According to the analysis of the University of Ostrava, the Minister's diploma thesis is not a plagiarism. Metnar defended his thesis in 2004 at the Faculty of Education of Ostrava University. According to, this work is problematic, especially in terms of working with resources and citations of references

Unlike the two members of the Babiš government who resigned, Metnar did not take over from other authors of the whole chapter, Some paragraph passages or parts of paragraphs, varying their order, grouping the words and omitting or completing certain terms.

Before publishing the analysis, Metnara said that if confirmation of plagiarism is confirmed, Metnara will also consider the possibility of resignation. Prime Minister Babis Metar said that he did not see the reason for his resignation. The accusations of plagiarism have already been prepared by two ministers of Prime Minister Andrey Babis' current government: Tatiana Malú's head of the Ministry of Justice and Petr Krkál, Minister of Labor and Social Affairs

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