Danko de Lajcak wants to change his comments on migration – Home – News



29.11.2018 12:33, updated: 13:06

Andrej Danko, NR SR

The President of the National Council of the Slovak Republic, Andrej Danko.

Author: .

The President of the National Council of RS and SNS, Andrej Danko, calls on Parliament to respect the decision of the plenary that approved the resolution on the United Nations Global Compact.

He is asking the government to reject the pact. He adds that it is not in the resolution
written prohibition of Slovakia's participation in the Marrakesh negotiations, but
that Prime Minister Peter Pellegrini (Smer) will keep the word and Slovakia to
Marrakech will not go.

"The National Council sent a clear message and a resolution that he did not want
Slovakia was bound by a pact. I believe the Prime Minister will keep his word
and no official, official or maintenance officer of the Slovak Embassy
will not sit at the Marrakech meeting. I'm sure it will not be there
nobody from Slovakia, "said Danko at a press conference
in Parliament.

The director of the direction Robert Fico Danko asks him to "repair"
with Foreign Minister Miroslav Lajcak (Smeru candidate). Danko
marked Minister Lajčák's comments on the press briefing either
on migration or the UN Global Compact for "stupidity".

Danko asks Minister Lajcak to return to diplomatic dictionary
and as a member of the government, he respected the decision of Parliament. "The parliamentarian
democracy can not afford to question parliament, "he said.
Danko, with 90 votes for, did not vote
SNS views.

On the March vote in Parliament, which vote
dissenting opinion
with Pakcu, Danko said that he was
"Proud" that Parliament rejected the Global Compact on Migration.
"I thank all the deputies," said the head of the IEC.

Danko: inspiring at Zeman

IEC official says Slovakia will implement foreign policy
should inspire in the Czech Republic. "Slovakia should have its stranger
the policy to do as Czech President Milos Zeman does, "
Danko said.

When asked if he could leave the government, Danko said he had
it is a question and does not say whether Minister Lajčák or someone else. comment
information that he should be a new minister in the case of Lajčák's resignation
foreign head of Fico management. "It's a direction," said Danko. CIS by
his words will not support an extraordinary parliamentary meeting where he would have
the opposition tried to appeal the departure of Lajčák.

SPC Vice-President Jaroslav Paška said his party would try
to ensure that the foreign sector "does not pursue its own policy, which
does not coincide with the Slovak ".

The Global Deal for United Nations Television Migration Today True TV
discussed by the deputies of the National Council Ľuboš Blah and Martin Klus.

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