Danko: If Fico does not resign, there will be elections


The resignation was, according to the chairman of SNS, Fic, a personal decision.

30. Dec. 2018 at 10.55 am TASR

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BRATISLAVA. The resignation of Roberta Fica (Smer-SD) corresponded to 100% of his personal decision in a situation that he evaluated. If he did not, early elections would be. In an interview with TASR, SNS leader Andrej Danko told the question of whether he was just insisting that Fic be abducted by Most-Hed after the murder of Jana Kuciak and by Martina Kušnířová.

Read also: The difference between the government of Fic and Pellegrini is, for example, in communication

"According to the current position of Mosta-Hid, it is indisputable that there will be early elections.The SNS has tried to take the lead," Danko said. Nevertheless, he does not think that the Smer-SD, SNS and Most-Hid coalition was born again in 2018.

"It was certainly not a light year, the company was being tested from different angles.The most important test was the death of a journalist.We live in a time when we do not even think of such things, they confirm that I will not call it that, "he said.

According to him, after the double murder, Danka was the most important thing so that this crime, which requires a thorough investigation, is not politically abused.

"It would be political hilarity and relations within the coalition have evolved.I try to solve the problems behind the table.I have therefore tried to coordinate meetings with President Andrej Kisk. then Prime Minister Robert Fico, tensions within the coalition, rather than a very strong wave of moods and emotions that also began to influence politicians, "he explained.

At one point, Jaroslav Paška, First Vice President of the IEC, said the SNS was the earliest possible date for early elections.

"We have 8,000 members, which does not mean that someone does not feel emotionally or without their own opinion, but if the situation becomes premature, the IEC is ready to do it." But if the opposition wants to be an alternative to state management, it must give its energy and its power more on the programs, not on the crimes of everyday life, and to think about it ", concluded Danko.

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