Danko: There is no doubt that Jerusalem will be the capital of Israel


"Many states analyze this change", Danko said in Jerusalem. The Slovak Embassy and the embassies of several states are based in Tel Aviv. Mr. Danko admitted that after the vote at the UN General Assembly, which condemned the transfer to the Jerusalem embassy, ​​he was called by Israeli Knesset Speaker, Yuli Edelstein. Slovakia, as the only V4 country, supported this resolution. "We are friends", Danko said, respecting the attitude of other states on this subject, such as Jordan. But he said that he had a difficult position for the Slovak vote in the Jerusalem negotiations

However, Danko and the parliamentary delegation agreed to create a cultural and information center in Jerusalem. According to Danko, Martin Glváč, Vice-President of the National Council of the Slovak Republic, played an important role in the creation of the center, which was approved by Smer-SD and the relevant ministries. "We Found a Consensus with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Interior and Culture" Danko said, claiming that the Jews are seeking to have Jerusalem recognized as the capital of 39; Israel. The center's role is to introduce Slovakia to Israel. The president of the National Council wants the center to be established within four months and placed as close as possible to the tomb of God.

As responded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Affairs, our position regarding Jerusalem remains unchanged. "Based on Security Council Resolution 478/1980 and the EU Common Position, which stresses that the status of Jerusalem as the future capital of two states must be the result of direct negotiations between the two states. Israeli and Palestinian parties, the centers of Jerusalem are in no way connected with the presence of our diplomatic representation in Israel ", said the spokesman of the ministry, Peter Susko

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