Danko won the homophobe of the year, the intention to take it


Among the nominees were the priest Marián Kuffa, deputies Boris Kollar and omubomír Galko and MEP Branislav Škripek.

The President of the National Council of the Czech Republic Andrej Danko (SNS) must meet the organizers of the Homofób of the year on Friday, July 6 to win the prize. The anti-sentence was given to him for a homosexual statement.

"I invite those who have given me this price to come to learn. Maybe I will be educated, maybe they will accept arguments," he said. said to the reporter Danko, who is traveling abroad in Israel. He emphasized that "the basic human right of a child is above the right of any sexual orientation".

The anti-price was declared: "If someone waives reproductive rights on the basis of sexual orientation, he gives up"

Among the nominees were the priest Marián Kuffa, deputies Boris Kollar and omubomír Galko and MEP Branislav Škripek

Preferred orientation before the rights

Danko perceives a meeting with organizers such as the opening of a discussion on the subject, the explanation of the statement and the finalization, because the sentence is cut out of context. "I am ready to discuss and explain the statement. "And I accept and tolerate all personal decisions regarding my sexual orientation and lifestyle."

He pointed out that he knows a lot of homosexuals and homosexual couples. I have no right to determine the rules of life of anyone. But I think that once a homosexual couple lives in a bond, he prefers his sexual orientation to other rights, "Danko explained, especially about the right to adopt a child

He added that every human right begins and ends another human right is removed. "And to recall the human right of a child raised in such a partnership," added the head of parliament. [19659010] Stanislav Mizík “/>

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