DAY CURIOZI: In Rome there will be an exhibition of Slovak monuments from the era of the Roman Empire


An exhibition of Slovak monuments from the era of the Roman Empire will be known in the Italian capital. Under the name of the Roman Empire – Limes of the Danube – From Trajan to Mark Aurelius, Iveta Plšeková, deputy mayor of Bratislava, opens on Thursday, July 5, 1969 [4]. July 2018

  Illustration Illustration of the article CURIOUS DAY: Rome will be an exhibition of Slovak monuments from the era of the Roman Empire



"The exhibition is an initiative of Slovakia, which presents itself in particular
two localities of Rusovce-Gerulat and Izu-Leányvár nominated for inclusion on the List
of World Cultural Heritage as an extension of an already existing monument
UNESCO under the name of the border of the Roman Empire, but in connection with the important
the neighboring countries of Carnunt and Brigetia. It was created in context
The European Year of Cultural Heritage, as well as the 25th anniversary of the founding of the RS and its
from the capital. It is presented under the auspices of the two big cities
country, "
informs Margaret Musil of the Institute of the City
Protection of Monuments (MÚOP) in Bratislava

According to her, visitors to the exhibition will learn what Dunajský Limes means.
Also why the exhibition on the Roman border on the Danube is organized
in the center of Rome, at Fori Imperiali in the Mercati di Traiano, at a time when
the museum hosts a magnificent archaeological exhibition on Trajan, with a subtitle
Creator of the Empire, creator of Europe. Trajan was the emperor who was the most
enlarged the Roman Empire and created him a border defined by the Danube –
Limes of the Danube. This north-eastern border of 1500 km from the Roman Empire
It was not just military, it was an area of ​​interaction, human or professional, two

"It is the intention of the joint project of Slovakia, Hungary,
Austria and Germany to make this remarkable complex of forts, keepers
the towers and civilian settlements has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site. he is
a more innovative initiative that is shared by many countries, just what it is
at a time when national borders are rather closed, represents
the unifying cultural aspect, "
Justifies Musil

The exhibition will last until November 18.

Studio 727 with archaeologists has prepared documentary videos that revive
a modern billboard exhibition. The only original piece is the Roman anchor
taken from the Danube near Iza, left by the Roman fleet. fingerprints
Roman sandals on teguli or hline show their presence on

Photo: Illustrative

Source: TASR

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