Deadly Ebola defeated? Two drugs tested are highly effective!


Preliminary tests of two drugs against haemorrhagic fever have shown great effectiveness and, according to scientists, could save many lives. Referring to the US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), involved in testing, Reuters informed.

The Ebola outbreak hit Congo, where more than 1,800 people died in a year. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), a highly contagious virus is deadly in half of the cases.

Four drugs were tested in Congo and two were very effective. NIAID considers that the results are very good. Preparations will now be administered in Congo to all infected persons.

The effective drugs designated Regnat-EB3 and mAb114 in the tests have shown that they are able to neutralize the effect of the virus on the body's cells. "These are the first drugs that have shown a significant reduction in mortality" in Ebola patients as part of a scientific study, "said Anthony Fauci, director of NIAID.

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Both preparations were developed with the help of antibodies taken from people who survived Ebola. The other two drugs were excluded from the study as they proved ineffective.

Scientific tests began under the leadership of WHO last November. Since then, 700 patients have received the experimental drug and the results are still in 499 of them. In the REGNO-EB3 group, 29% of the patients died and 34% in the mAb114 group. For two released substances, the mortality rates were 49% and 53%.

Survival rates for patients with low levels of virus in the blood were 94% with Regnat-EB3 and 89% with mAb114.

Infectious disease specialist Sabu Mulangi, who participated in the study, said the result allowed the authorities to point out that with early treatment, the chances of survival of patients were 90%.

Jeremy Farrar, director of Wellcome Trust, said research has shown that test preparations can save lives and that the world is approaching a time when Ebola will be curable. "We will not get rid of it, but we should be able to prevent national and regional epidemics," he said.

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