Deputy MP wants to talk about the Remiš cottage on the incompatibility committee


Remišová finds herself smiling when coalition MPs criticize her for adhering to the rules that the opposition has been trying to harden for years, but the coalition is blocking it.

The parliamentary committee on the incompatibility of functions should attend a meeting at the September meeting, which OLAF President Veronika Remišová did not mention in the confession of property. The debate is about to open the vice-chair of the committee, Róbert Puci, of Smer-SD. Remicova considers the attacks attempt to discredit her for pointing the cause of the coalition

According to Puci, information until then known and accessible suggest that a deputy "himself in position of" guardian " transparency, honesty and respect laws ", violated the law by refusing or not specifying the ownership of a luxury cottage in the village cadastre of Pribylina (protected bird of the Tatras)" [19659003Duringthecommittee'sSeptemberdeliberationsPuciwillproposetothemembersofthecommitteeitself"thisseriousviolationofthelegislationinforceandthemisleadingdirecttransmission""ItisacommentthatthecottagehasnotbeenapprovedandthereforenotanassetIconsideritastandardMatovicianexhortation"saidPuciinhisopinion

recalling that Remišová is one MPs who seek an amendment to the Conflict of Interest Act, it is also expected to bring more stringent property admissions.

The reaction of Remišova

Remišová finds it regrettable that coalition MPs criticize her for adhering to the rules that the opposition has been trying to harden for years, but the coalition is blocking it. "According to the current registration form, a deputy must also write in the property declaration" the buildings that are unfolded if they are registered in the real estate cadastre ", which is not our cottage, which It is not mentioned in my admission, according to the instructions.The mentioned good is, of course, in my affiliation, since my election to the parliament, "says Remisova

Puci and his colleagues, in his opinion, should d & # 39; First read the forms of property testimonials that they themselves have approved. "And if they do not like the form, they should eventually change it, because the current situation has much to do with a dishonest politician. "She pointed out that, for example, the Minister of Foreign Affairs Miroslav Lajčák (nominated Smeru-SD) did not mention the family house in the 39, admission of the property for many years, which is a violati flagrant of the law

Remišová considers absurd properties owned by companies wholly owned. "This is how the luxurious president of the CBS, Andrej Danko, wrote, not to mention the fact that private use is taxed," Remišová added. She refers to the Sheets of Ownership

She pointed out that she has all her assets registered for herself and does not hide them from various companies. "It is absurd to say that I want to hide it, unlike many politicians in Slovakia, I do not need to be embarrassed to acquire property," she said.

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