Discover the proximity of a distant comet in the Shamorin Synagogue – Denník N


Discover the nearness of a distant comet in the Shamorin Synagogue

After six years, she exhibited at the At Home Gallery of American artist Alison Safford, and it's a terrific experience .

The exhibition at the At Home Gallery in Shamorin. Photo – Adam Šakový

The summer months not only attract water, but also extraordinary spaces. Such is undoubtedly the At Home Gallery, located in the building of the desecrated Shamorin synagogue (in addition, near the Čilistov recreational camp). Currently, there is an exhibition of Boston artist Alison Safford who, after six years since his first exhibition in Shamorin, has created a new facility for this specific exhibition space.

Muslim Muse Be / Musing the Muse Comet special shape and even more special acoustic expressions 67P / Čurjumov-Gerasimenko. The appearance of the comet appears in the miniature as a 3D print sculpture located above the temporary bed, as well as a soundtrack picked up by the spaceship emanating from the pillows, and in the evening as large screen projection in the synagogue

the symbolism, but also the tremendous history of the Jewish community, seems to ease its installation, which at first glance is anchored at the present time and patterns of wandering, creative accidents and returns. The microcosm of Safford's gallery brought a meditative and energizing installation, accompanied by a poetic commentary. His return to Šamorín has a symbolic parallel in the orbit length of the aforementioned comet, which is about six years old.

The public will have to lie down on pads ready for use, the pillow rings above them as a small model. Photo – Adam Šakový

Documentary – Adam Šakový

Strong Experience

One is the sculptural quality of accurate reproduction with fine lines of the comet surface, turning in the summer soft golden sun. The unusual horizontal position at which visitors must flee for a work experience opens wide imaginary doors

Another significant element is

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