Disney buys most 21st Century Fox


Shareholders of 21st Century Fox and Walt Disney approved an agreement allowing Disney to take over most of Rupert Murdoch's assets for $ 71.3 billion ($ 61.3 billion).

The separate shareholder meetings that took place on Friday were one of the last steps to endorse the media mega – meltdown that the anti – monopoly authorities have already taken away in the United States.

Disney should have got the film and television assets of Fox

Disney is hoping to be more competitive with his streaming rivals such as Netflix

Disney agreed with 21st Century Fox in December to take most of the movie operations and television company. Later, however, the American cable giant Comcast, who announced that he was abandoning the fight for Rupert Murdoch, came into play.

Murdoch's media mogul retains only his new flagship Fox News and a sports resort.

Disney supports the legendary 20th Century Fox movie studio, as well as various Fox TV stations and more attractive

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