Divadelná Nitra explores the possibilities of theater and society


Bratislava, July 24 (TASR) – Eight foreign and five Slovak productions and performances will be presented in the main program of the Divadelná Nitra International Festival 2018. The curators have chosen them taking into account this year's theme – RE. The 27th edition of the largest international festival of scenic art in Slovakia will begin on September 28 and will end on October 3.

The production of Polish director Michal Borczuch will open it. For one of the most important Polish theater ensembles, TR Warsaw has adapted the Karel Ova Knausgard series, the best-selling of Borczuch. Six volumes and about 3,600 pages of books have merged into one spectacular production that is one of Poland's most beloved and controversial works. Borczuch returns to Nitra after three years when his Apocalypse opened in 2015 and was very successful

The naive theater of Liberec shows the production of Bohemia lying by the sea. The unconventional puppet theater directed by Michaela Homolova takes place in the middle of the marine world. Cult Circle Putyka is accompanied by the production of Batacchio, created by Finnish director Maksim Komaro with sought-after Czech artists. The Portuguese group Circolando will perform at Night. Lebanese designer Rabih Mroué, who lives and works in Berlin, will present a documentary performance at Piesok in Nitra, where he examines the limits of the perception of death. Performance As a young Lebanese artist and performer, Tania El Khoury, who lives in London and Beirut, she is as far as my fingers lead me. The creative duo of the Hungarian theatrical scene Kristof Kelemen and Bence György Pálinkás in the production of the Hungarian Agate Through Satire explores the commercial struggle of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban with the European Union.

Slovak scenic art will represent the 27th edition of the festival, the American Studio 12 Emperor and the Pôtoň Theater (Iveta Ditte Jurčová), the Stalker Teatra Tatra (Ondrej Spišák), the Theater Reconstruction of State of Košice Košice (Júlia Rázusová) Company WOW! (Jozef Vlk and Stanislava Vlcek) and the production of the People, Places and Things of Andreja Bagar's home theater (Marián Amsler)

"The art reacts to what is happening happens in society, sometimes directly.Navit 2018 Divadelná in the form of a satire or a political document, or a sophisticated artistic form, as a feeling of reconstruction or revision of the present, the current lifestyle as back, is also related to the eighty years we live., not even the anniversary celebration, but the direct reaction of citizens, these RE can really be found, "said to TASR festival director Darina Kárová .

In addition to the main program, Divadelná Nitra traditionally offers a number of accompanying events at the Children's Festival, Young Theater, other nights and at RE Agora Nitra. Theatrical performances, film screenings, concerts, exhibitions, literary readings, discussions, RE workshops will take place in the premises of the Andreja Bagara Theater in Nitra, the old Karol Spišák Theater in Nitra and in other cultural institutions. instead Svätopluk in Nitra

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