Djokovic conquered Wimbledon | New hour


Serbian tennis player Novak Djokovic became the fourth time in his career as Wimbledon singles winner.

In the final, as a twelve-year-old, he coached South Africa with Kevin Anderson 6: 2, 6: 2, 7: 6 (3) and won a thirtieth grandfather title.

For "Nole", he is the first grand trophy of June 2016 when he completes his grandlam collection at Roland Garros in Paris Over the past two years, Serbian Gambling was also worried. In January, he underwent surgery and fell from the first world of the twentieth. After resuming his cooperation with the Slovakian coach Marian Vajda, his form began to increase. Roland Garros moved on to the quarterfinals and Wimbledon became Roger Federer, American Pete Sampras and Sweden's Bjorn Borg fourth in the Open Era, which won the prestigious tournament at least four times

Anderson He was not looking forward to winning the Grand Slam final last season, he lost in three sets with Spanish Rafael Nadal. At Wimbledon, however, the 32-year-old South African showed table tennis of life. In the quarter-finals, he fired Federer to the top of the defending champions' standings, even though he played 0-2 on sets and in third place he faced Mecca . In the longest semi-final in the history of Wimbledon, for 6 hours and 36 minutes, he beat John Isner after a five-set American drama. In the ATP, Anderson will be on the fifth leg Monday – the highest in his career.

For the first time in the open era, the two-to-thirty entered the Wimbledon final against each other. Djokovic came out with Anderson when he broke his head in the opening match after a Juhoafričan bluff, and after a confirmed bluff he took the lead 2-0. Under the 3: 1, he again took the service of Anderson and the first set became clear to him. Good Serbian quality, in exchange, Anderson suffered from the fatigue of two previous matches of five matches He had problems with the movement and with a lot of balls he was late, he made a lot of # 39; useless mistakes, especially of forhendu

Also in the second event Djokovic bounced back to Anderson 5: 1. The South African had a small percentage of the first bid, which was the water at 39. Srba factory, which is the best player back on the ATP circuit. Djokovic played the most concentrated, almost disastrous. In the third round, Anderson improved the service and the returnees and had five sets. Djokovic, however, avoided it and forced the secretary in which he dominated. In 6: 3, he changed the second half of the match and adjusted his balance with Anderson to 6: 1.

Men – Singles Singles:
Novak Djokovic (12-Serb) – Kevin Anderson (8-JAR) 6: 2, 6: 2, 7: 6 (f, b, e, v, n, t, p) {if (f.fbq) return; n = f.fbq function () {n.callMethod?
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