Do you like to use a mobile? Join the Huawei Next Image Contest and receive € 10,000! | Connect your photos on your mobile to the competition and win 10 000 €


Today 's photography on mobile phone is not unusual, and there is news all over the media as they also use their work for professionals. Mobile photography is a boom, and if you are part of a large group of amateur photographers, you now have the unique opportunity to participate in the Huawei Next Image contest.

Smartphones have brought us, among other things, the new way of communicating with the world. For those who do not click on images like a racing belt, but try to capture the beauty of the moment, Huawei can bring a positive impulse to the next generation

SOURCE | Huawei Next image

Join the competition is easy. Photos can come from your archives or make completely new images. It is important that he be rejected by the Huawei smartphone. You can succeed up to six categories. Faces – portrait photography, good night – capturing moments in the low light, hello, life! Check-In – Discovering New Places or Experiences, Nature – Nature Around Us and Story Board – Telling the Story in a Series of Ninth Photos

The 50 Best Pictures of Central and Eastern Europe Eastern and Nordic countries will be transferred to the global competition cycle. The winners of the different categories will receive the Huawei Matebook X notebook, the opportunity to publish their photos in the prestigious National Geographic magazine and a financial reward of 2,000 euros. The winner of the second place will be the Huawei P20 Pro and the third will be the Huawei P20. The P20 smartphone receives the winners of the Audience Award – the photographers who get the most votes in each category

The absolute winner of the contest is the Huawei Matebook X, the publication of his National Geographic images, 10,000 euros and the opportunity to participate

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Huawei SOURCE Next image

Anine Wang, Chairman of the Huawei Consumer Group for Central and Eastern Europe and Scandinavia, Dominic Bracco, National Geographic Official Photographer, Alex Lambrechts , Leica certified photographer, Tomasz Lazar, photographer and World Press Photo Award winner, Bobby Anwar, a respected Danish photographer and Gal Gadot, Wonder Woman and Huawei P20 Global Ambassador

The competition runs from July 9 to August 20, you so still have time to get new pictures. On the contest page it is possible to vote for the best photos until August 24th. Then, the jury will have a week to choose from the 50th best overall winner to be announced on September 10th. Our publishers hold your thumbs

Source Press Release

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