Doctors want to get out more of the state VSZP – Home – News



Andy Kalavska, Minister of Health (pictured), sent an open letter to the doctors.

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The tension that pollutes the patients. About two hundred outpatients have not signed a contract with the state health insurance company. Since December, they should have taken money from people. The exceptions are acute cases, which are suddenly aggravated when they are not. They represent about 90% with the practitioner. VSZP calms the situation and claims that nothing has changed for its insureds.

During the discussions, the doctors represented the Association of Ambulatory Care Providers (ZAP).
Without a contract, it should be estimated by 500 GPs,
600 pediatricians, about 700 specialists and 100 gynecologists. Of the total
the number of ambulatory doctors in Slovakia, which is about 8,000, so
the protesters are about a quarter.

Negotiations with the union and the insurance companies were ruined by the money. VZZP im
she offered more, but it was not enough. The insurance company finally
it's withdrawn from the negotiations. "The agreement must be two and state insurance company
decided to end the negotiations, "said the Executive Director
ZAP-u Zuzana Dolinková. Asked if the doctors are really ready to ask
from the patient's money she replied that some had done it. "Last year we were
in a similar situation with one of the private insurers, the doctors first
two to three days worked in the original mode without touching
patient. Apparently, they will also be preserved now. If we do not find VSZP
compromise, the doctors are ready to extract the cash from the registration and
pay for the work, "said Dolink.

The director of the insurance company, according to doctors, has failed

The union invites the director general of the public insurance company Ľubica Hlinka,
to withdraw. According to the doctors' officials, she failed. "To resign
General Manager is not a reason. VZZP has just to offer
outpatient providers, as permitted by the current budget, "
answered the opinion of VšZP spokeswoman Martina Ostatníková.

The state insurer promised publicly to a doctor on Thursday
they did not sign the treaty supplements that they would pay for their benefit starting in December
according to the draft amendment, which they rejected. It contains higher payments than today.
The insurance company also promised to pay for laboratory and other tests
exams and medications. The public promise is on his website.

Representatives of the PAZ received the Minister of Health, Andrei Kalavska (name
Direction) an open letter asking them to intervene. medical
the branch is the sole shareholder of VšZP. They said in the letter that the union is
ready to negotiate.

The Minister asked management to resolve the situation

Zuzana Eliášová, spokesman for the ministry, said the ministry was under contract
the relationship does not enter. She pointed out that the Minister had met with the leaders
VSZP, who asked to resolve the situation urgently so that the patient
he had nothing to fear.

The terms of doctors are negotiated by several organizations, ZAP is only
one of them. Doctors still represent the Association of Health, the Alliance
general practitioners. They agreed with VšZP to increase payments from
Next January. The insurance company announced that she had already signed the contract
85% of outpatient providers, even from ZAP, are for them
the move was decided by nearly 37%, or 644 doctors. This account is
according to VZZ in the regions gradually increases.

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