Does the crocodile live in Hlohovec? –


In Hlohovec and on social networks, a video began to spread, on which a crocodile should fly. The police did not rule out this possibility

HLOHOVEC Police reported the possible presence of a crocodile at Váh in Hlohovec

"The police turned to the lady who received a video on which an unidentified animal resembling a crocodile is in Váh near Hlohovec.The video should be filmed this week.The police went to check the area with a negative result.

L & # 39; event was officially reported as a "crocodile in Vah" – so do not take this information as a speculation of the police, but as an event that has been officially accepted, "said the police.

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The unfamiliar video shot on the video is noticeably obscured by the motion, but social networking, and especially in the commentary under the video, already spreads the video. information that it should be a beaver.

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