Donald Trump praised Italians | New hour


US President Donald Trump congratulated Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte on Monday for his strong anti-immigration approach.

Trump during the visit of the White House of Conte declared that other European countries should follow an Italian example Italy

  Giuseppe Conte See the gallery

"I totally agree with what you do about migration and illegal migration, even legal migration," Trump said, according to Reuters, at the beginning of a meeting with the President of the Italian Government. Rome, according to the head of the White House, has taken a very strong position in the protection of borders, to which few countries have decided. Other European countries are expected to follow Italy, Trump said, saying his main political goal was to prevent immigrants without the necessary documents to join the United States.

Liga Matteo Salvini, Italian Minister of the Interior and Head of Counter-Immigration, began taking steps in June to reduce the number of migrants in Italy who have been waiting for a long time the outcome of the asylum procedure. Rome is trying to prevent the arrival of new ships with migrants and refugees on the Italian coast, which has served as a criticism to some European states. Italy has also asked other EU countries to accept people from boats that were able to reach Italian territory, but met with open opposition from the Czech and Hungarian governments . Salvini also ordered to minimize the services for people asking for asylum

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