Donald Trump's footsteps did not go unnoticed: Iran raised a warning finger


"Iran's nuclear activities have always been a peaceful goal, but it is Iran that decides on the level of its cooperation with the IAEA," said Rhuhani after a meeting with the head of the United Nations Monitoring Agency, Jukijom Aman. . Responsibility for a possible change in IAEA access will be assumed by the Iranian President who has caused the current change in the international situation regarding the Iranian nuclear program.

Rumor has previously stated that Tehran would face a clear position against US efforts to export Iranian oil. He said the Islamic Republic could take measures to prevent oil exports from other countries in the region. In May, Donald Trump withdrew from the 2015 international agreement, in which Iran restricted its nuclear program in exchange for lifting the sanctions. Washington then began pressuring its allies to jointly suspend oil imports from Iran from November of this year.

Rusting came to Vienna as part of the rescue efforts of the nuclear deal. He reiterated that Iran is willing to continue to respect the agreement – even after the resignation of the United States – if the remaining signatories (Britain, France, Germany, China and Russia) warrant it for maintain the agreed benefits. On Friday, the heads of diplomacy of the five countries will meet in Vienna and look for ways to save the business

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