Drag Racer is not boring! See the gallery of the Slovak ring


At the racetrack, the successful Slovakian driver, Maťo Homola, tried for at least a moment. Before departure, he seemed boring, but he changed his mind after a few laps.

In the Slovak ring, the race and the WTCR took place in a weekend. It was an opportunity for Maťa Homol to try on her own skin what it was like to sit in the tire at a steady pace. "I must say that I thought that the Drag Racer is totally" boring ", which may be enough to 160 km / h," declared before the start a young Slovak competitor, Maťo Homola. After three rounds, however, he changed his mind. "The speed on the straight line does not impress you, but when it comes to braking and bending, it's completely different coffee.And crossing the bend all the way? C & # 39; is a hell! " did not hide the enthusiasm after leaving the tractor Buggyra Maťo Homola.

A view of the riders' fights goes through the lens of Marian Bazal

Drag Racing Slovakia ring 2018 (1) 25 images in the gallery)

Drag Racing Slovakia ring 2018 (2 ) (25 images in gallery)

jQuery (19 photos in the gallery)

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