Dráma na přehradě: The young man (16 years old) has lost the surface!


In the Trenčín area, all rescue teams started shortly after 14:00, after the announcement of the loss of a young (16 years old) in the district of Prievidza, in the district of Prievidza . See how the rescue action has ended.

The event was reported by the firefighting operations center of the Trenčín region. After a young man from a dam on the heights of the Nitrica River, firefighters and rescuers fight boys for life – after March 15, the spokesman of the firefighters of the region of Trencin Marián Petrík informs:

The rescuers of the Air Force are transported to the children's facility by helicopter. "inform shortly before 4 pm Jozef Minar of the rescue center

September 2017 – At the Nitra Rudne Dam, two men were poisoned in the tent during the night when they had a gas bottle. [19659005]! Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns, n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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