Drivers Report Collapsible Traffic to Bratislava and Surroundings


The construction of the expressway D4 and R7 brings a number of traffic constraints that complicate traffic in Bratislava.

The current traffic situation in and around Bratislava is perceived by some drivers as being unbearable and collapsing. He may think that they can not prepare and coordinate ongoing repairs and road construction.

The civic association Ivanka therefore turned to the President of the Autonomous Region of Bratislava (BSK) Juraj Drobu and the Regional Traffic Inspection to resolve this situation without delay

L & # 39; Written association she had been monitoring for several days the worsening of traffic on Seneck Road. Poorly authorized by the coordination of the competent association, they simultaneously authorized the repair and construction of several communications. They mention, for example, Račianska Street in Bratislava (exit in Pezinok) or work on the main move to Moste in Bratislava.

"The exit on the black water is absolutely unforgettable for the repair, and on the road to Seneck (exit to Ivanka on the Danube and Bernolákovo) the road blocks the construction mechanisms of the D4 motorway "he explains. complaints to citizens, but according to him, each building brings with it temporary transport restrictions to a lesser extent or greater.

"It is precisely thanks to the considerable work that the construction of the D4 motorway and the R7 expressway has brought, that we have significantly strengthened the Senca railway service in Bratislava," said the TASR. The Regional Transport Inspectorate (KDI) of Bratislava for the TASR stated that, in order to improve public awareness, data on significant road traffic restrictions are also published on the website of the Ministry of Transport. l & # 39; Interior.

"Wednesday (18.7.) Approximately 8 am KDI checked the traffic signs and transport equipment on the I / 61 road (Senecká cesta) .The result of the inspection was without any deficiency" , said the inspection. As noted, repeated discussions with the D4 and R7 were conducted with the request to minimize truck movement during the morning and afternoon hours or to perform night work .

Mitigation of impacts on transport fluidity

The mayor of Bratislava, Ivo Nesrov, organized a coordination meeting of relevant authorities at the end of June.

"The result is six practical proposals that will help mitigate the impact on traffic flow at the time of D4 and R7 construction," said TASR spokeswoman Zuzana Onufer.

It is, for example, the creation of a delegate position for the construction of a bypass to coordinate the project and its communication. Among the proposals are the timely publication of a detailed schedule of work, the selection of real detour routes and the construction of temporary shuttle caches with shuttle services.

"A meeting with Transport Minister Árpád Érsek, on which the mayor wanted to discuss these demands and the next step, was to be held last week.The ministry postponed the meeting without fixing a term of substitution that we are aiming for "said Onufer.

The BSK advises that the repair of Grob – Black Water Croatian will end next week, one month before its scheduled date, facilitate transport around Bratislava.

"Although the communications from the city of Bratislava and the I / 61 road to Senca do not appear in the BSK report, we have asked the traffic police to coordinate daily traffic during rush hours. From our point of view, transport management is physically directly by the cops the only way to help transport the situation in this situation, "said Veronika Beňadiková, head of the BSK press office

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