Dunajska Streda defeated Dinamo Minsk, more than half played weakened


yesterday at 22:55

Fortunal FC DAC 1904 players in Dunajska Streda lost their second home game against Dynamo Minsk 1: 3.

The guests first led the goal of Romano Begunov, Erik Pačinda settled shortly before the break of eleven. Alexander Makas took the lead after 77 minutes of play, third goal from Uroš Nikolič. The home team beat Milan Šimčák in the 39th minute without appearances.

Vengeance is on the agenda on August 2nd at 18:00 CEST in the Belarusian metropolis.

European League – 2nd qualifying round (First match):

FC DAC 1904 Dunajska Streda – Dinamo Minsk 1: 3

45. Pačinda (from 11 m) – 24. Begunov, 77. Makas, 90. + 4 Nikolič

ŽK: Šimčák, Kalmar – Chvasčinski, Gurenko, ČK: 39. Šimčák (DAC) after the 2nd ŽK. Bojko – Alochin, Volodin (all United Kingdom), 9227 spectators

(19659015) Minsk: Gorbunov – Žavnerčik, Kostar, Šatka, Huk, Šimčák – Herc (42. Davis), Ljubicic, Kalmar (74. Mr Vida) Galovic, Rodrigues, Šitov – Korzun (81. Trebotič), Yahaya – Begunov, Nikolich, Chvashinski (61. Gurenko) – Ivanov (71. Makas) [19659012] Dunajska Streda streaked in the first goal with only air and high balls also at the beginning of this confrontation. Bayo received a corner kick, after which the ball fell into sixteen guests, but the house failed to complete the goal. After a quarter of an hour of play, Pačinda's counterattack prepared a favorable shooting position and controlled goalkeeper Gorbunov. Minsk, on the other hand, presented the ground center Begunov, the housekeeper Macej rescued from the Chvatsinski race. But after another cent, Dunajska Streda picked up the ball in the Begunov network after 24 minutes. The Fortunalist had to return home, but Minsk was a more advanced opponent, and the chances of a settlement were more valuable. Bayo kicked the ball directly, and Kalmar gave the ball, and Gorbunov was the one who shot. Then Bayo had the opportunity to find the Kostrna with a long long pass, the striker hanging in the head and his attempt was easily deployed by the goalkeeper. DAC had one more complication after the goal, Šimčák saw two yellow cards in the 33rd and 39th minute and weakened the team. The local team managed to break through the break, Žavnerčik played his hand in the match in the lead with Pačindo, who returned the eleven

After the restless end of the first half, the action on the lawn has been somewhat calmed. Dunajska Streda still had to face the many advantages of the opponent, but he still had the opportunity to take advantage after less than an hour. The defensive guests completely forgot Baya, who was alone on the goalkeeper but did not score the ball and Gorbunov took it. At the end of Macey, he only removed the Begunov centers, the first of which did not play the room with three jerks. The quieter later Bay centered of a direct kick, his head also lacked precision. The local team did not want to play in ten minutes, but did not handle the situation in 77 minutes when Šatka, after centri Begunova, lost the lead and Makas scored just a little later on the field. Dunajska Streda made several allusions in the last ten minutes of regulation time, but did not catch one and did not settle for the second time. At the time he was not risking his shot in danger and Nikolich scored another goal with a leading goal

PHOTOGALLERY: Watch the interesting moments of FC DAC Dunajska Streda – FC Dinamo Minsk.
Peter Hyballa (Dunajska Streda): "This is not a good feeling, we lost 1: 3. We changed the system a bit in comparison with the league we played with only ten players we have had a lot of problems We made even more chances but we won three times We have to go to Minsk, play offensively and score three goals It's not impossible because we managed to create opportunities "

Erik Pačinda (Dunajska Streda midfielder, scorer): "We started well, the game was very much influenced by the red card, which clearly means we have to score goals. We did not need to be, so we had to retire as we were one less, it's football, we had stupid goals, the coach could not change much because he is short with us, we played as if it was a victor ire (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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