During football in Tornali, they hit the man in the face, he was seriously injured.


A 25-year-old man from Gemerská Ves was supposed to kick him directly to 44-year-old Banska Bystrica.

Revúca police are investigating a case of bodily injury and rioting disorder that occurred on Sunday 16 June in the evening during a match at the Tornali football stadium. A 25-year-old man from Gemerská Ves was supposed to kick him directly to 44-year-old Banska Bystrica. Police Banská Bystrica reported Tuesday on the social network.

"During a football match, in a public place, a man from Banska Bystrica was physically assaulted. The perpetrator caused serious injuries to the victim, which, in the opinion of the doctor, will require more than 42 days of treatment, "police said, adding that the attacker was already facing a charge.

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