During hot summer days, the employer must create good conditions in the workplace


KOŠICE, July 29 (WebNoviny.sk) – In hot weather, the employer must take measures that take into account the specific conditions of each workplace

According to the director of the company. Labor Inspectorate of the National Labor Inspectorate Miroslava Skičková, The temperature at the workplace and the non-compliance with the conditions for employees may cause, for example, fatigue, deterioration of attention or a significant reduction in employee performance at work, which is also detrimental to the employer. Non-Drinking Drinking Water

" The employer may, in the case of work performed inside the premises, take some of the technical measures to prevent direct sunlight from occurring. To enter through the windows of the traffic and administrative areas.For example, this can be done with the help of blinds or blinds, it is also appropriate to provide air conditioning or air conditioning. increase the circulation of air by ventilation or fans "says Skičková

that if the workplace where long-term work is carried out can not guarantee optimal or at least acceptable microclimate conditions, the employer must take preventative and preventive measures to protect employees against excessive heat.It can act, for example, to adjust working time, from the beginning of work to the small t morning, rotation / rotation of employees, set work safety breaks, alcohol regime, air conditioning / forced ventilation, etc.

Of course, the availability and sufficiency of drinking water at the workplace for employees must be obvious, and the employer must provide drinking water at his expense. The drinks should be health conscious and should contain as little sugar as possible (up to 6%), as sugary drinks increase the feeling of thirst. The drinks can not even contain a small amount of alcohol because they increase the metabolism and therefore the heat production in the body.

A new risk is the illness of employees due to the use of air conditioning. Direct exposure to cold air or sudden changes in temperature when moving from air-conditioned rooms to hot environments can also cause health problems.

A group of particularly vulnerable employees includes those working in the outside environment. They are employees of construction, agriculture and forestry. The working conditions on the site are modified by law – requirements for relaxation areas, personal hygiene facilities, showers and wash basins, etc.

It is important to note the colleagues

where there is sometimes no possibility of hiding in front of the sun in the shade of trees, farms. In this case, the employer should provide umbrellas, simple wardrobes such as protection from the sun and heat, or take appropriate organizational measures, including early work early in the morning

. the best that would complement the exhausted minerals and reduce employee fatigue. Employees should wear appropriate clothing and eyewear to protect themselves from the sun. They should also be informed of signs of burns and overheating of the body and should be informed of first aid. It is important to note their colleagues who, due to discomfort, excessive fatigue, do not have to react in time and could collapse, get injured at work and the like occupational diseases

Monitoring compliance with appropriate working conditions from an appropriate thermal point of view is the responsibility of the health authority.

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