During Trump's visit to London, Trump Baby will float over the city


The London City Council authorized the launch of a huge inflatable mannequin showing US President Donald Trump as a toddler during his visit to the British metropolis.

The White House leader will meet on July 13 at Downing Street no. 10 Helium activists filled with Helium with a Trump Baby nickname, which they say reflects Trump's character "an angry child with a frail eagle and small hands," the BBC reported Friday. .

The manikin will be deposited on Parliament Square at the same time as a protest march called "Stop the Trump" will take place in the streets of central London. The inflatable manikin can stay in the air for two hours. The magistrate said in a statement that "the mayor is in favor of the right to protest peacefully, which may have a different shape", and granted permission to use the square as an anchor point for the balloon


Nona Hurkmans, a spokeswoman for Nona Hurkmans, described Trump as "a dangerous presidential precedent," adding, "We are only a small group of friends who have decided to show that Fascists are not welcome in Britain. "Activists want the balloon to follow Trump to all the places they visit in the world

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