Early treatment of HIV can prolong human life, says World AIDS Day – Journal of Politics


BRATISLAVA, December 1 (WebNoviny.sk) – Early diagnosis and timely treatment can prolong and improve the lives of HIV-positive people. This also reduces the risk of transmitting the virus to other people because HIV infection is reduced during treatment. The Public Health Office of the Slovak Republic recalls it on the occasion of World AIDS Day on Saturday.

"Screening for the presence of HIV antibodies should not delay people suspected of being infected with HIV. However, HIV infection is still treatable, but remains incurable. The most effective way to prevent the spread of HIV / AIDS in the population is prevention, " says senior hygienist Ján Mikas.

Hundreds of anonymous subscriptions

Anonymous consultations and blood tests offer HIV / AIDS consultations in some regional public health offices. They also offer telephone and e-mail consultations. In the past year, the Public Health Unit has recorded a total of 838 anonymous subscriptions and 918 telephone consultations.

Advice on HIV / AIDS is available in Banská Bystrica, Ziari nad Hronom, Dolnom Kubin, Liptovsky Mikulas, Zilina, Trnava, Bardejov, Poprad, Presov, Svidnik, Kosice, Trebišov and Nitra.

Individuals can also be examined at the National Reference Center for HIV / AIDS of the Slovak University of Health Bratislava and in hospitals of the Department of Clinical Microbiology. It is also possible to request blood tests from the general practitioner.

The lowest incidence of HIV infection

Since the beginning of surveillance since 1985, 1046 cases of HIV infection have been reported in Slovakia by Slovak citizens and foreigners. Of the 884 cases involving citizens of the Slovak Republic, 783 occurred in men and 101 in women. In 116 cases, HIV infection was transmitted to AIDS. The public health unit records 72 deaths from HIV, including 53 from AIDS.

In recent years, the Slovak Republic is among the Member States of the European Union where the incidence of HIV infection is the lowest, but in the last decade our country has experienced an upward trend. Due to the increasing number of new cases of HIV infection, people may choose to search for HIV antibodies.

World AIDS Day is celebrated with the World Health Organization since 1988. This year, World AIDS Day 2018 "Know your status".

Red ribbon

The symbol of World AIDS Day is a red ribbon, pinned by people expressing solidarity with people living with HIV or AIDS. On this day, experts and non-specialists are doing a much more intense activity, in order to inform the public about this disease.

HIV induces a loss of immunity to infections in humans and increases the risk of cancer. HIV infection in the terminal phase is AIDS-related immunodeficiency syndrome. AIDS is the most serious public health problem in the world.

According to the WHO, by the end of 2015, 36.7 million people living with HIV were living in the world, of whom 18.2 million had received antiretroviral therapy.

More topics: AIDS, HIV, World AIDS Day
Source: Webnoviny.sk – Early HIV treatment can prolong life, says World AIDS Day © SITA All rights reserved.



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