East police have their hands full: Flight to Kežmarok, attack at Poprad


"It contained a cash of at least 7,000 euros, personal and corporate papers as well as drugs," said the speaker . The case is under investigation by the authorized officer of the Kežmarok Police Department.

accused of Popradcana, attacking a health worker in a hospital

Police accused a 30-year-old man from Poprad, who was supposed to attack a health worker in his hospital home. Regional police spokesman Daniel Džobanik announced that the incident took place on Saturday, July 7, shortly before 6 pm, in the premises of the waiting room of the central reception

. " said Jobanik, in that the accused at first verbally threatened a health worker to kill him and wait for him when he arrived at the nearest exit [19659007AccordingtoonespokespersonhoweveritwasnotjustforverbalthreatsandthePopradčanworkerwasthenphysicallyassaulted "The fist hit him in the face, and the Attacking man had a crush on his face with a suspicion of a brain wave ", added the speaker.The assailant arrested the police and told him placed in the police cell If the guilt of a man turns out to be a prison sentence of six months to three years

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