Electricity for households could increase by 10% compared to January


If distribution fees and other components are not reimbursed from the final price, we can expect a 10% increase.

Electricity for households is expected to increase from January 2019. This is due to a growth of about 28% in the price of raw materials in Prague during the first six months of the year. 39; year.

The year has increased from 31.77 to 40.45 euros per megawatt hour (MWh). This has been suggested by an alternative supplier of electricity and gas, Magna Energia, as it is precisely the development of this exchange in the first half of 2018 by the company that serves as the basis for the current regulatory formula

The carryover will be milder

So it is clear that compared to the first half of 2017, whose prices "The electricity has a half share in the final price for households, the price should be considerably less than a quarter, "said Magna Energia, an executive of the company, Martin Semrič

. According to the energy supplier, households can expect an increase of about 10% from the energy supplier.

It is true that the price of electricity in the markets is increasing in the long run. it does not comment in advance the result of any price procedure the price decision, including the determination of the maximum electricity price for households for 2019, precedes the price process, which is a complex pricing process, during which the URSO strictly follows the legislation in force

. uses and will continue to use all the regulatory tools in the areas of its legal expertise to protect the interests of vulnerable customers, of course, taking into account the truly legitimate demands of all market participants ", Radoslav Igaz, spokesman for Regulatory Office of the RONI Network)

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