Elon Musk: I will most likely go to Mars


Musk even talks about moving, not just a temporary trip.

Mouse's vision of the colonization of the red planet is still topical and the founder of SpaceX wants to be part of the Martian residents. In a recent interview for HBO on Sunday, he even said that 70 percent of those surveyed went to Mars, Axios said.

Not only that. Musk even talks about permanent relocation. According to him, SpaceX has recently made several breakthroughs to improve his vision. However, there will be no "trip" cheap.

Elon Musk

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Musk is also aware of the risk. In the interview, he said that the risk of death on Mars is much higher than on Earth. Passengers can die not only on the road through the universe, but also after a successful landing due to the hostile environment of the planet.

People may be able to live outside Starship rockets when building a colony of force. Musk also advises to live almost relentlessly to live on the planet. However, musk throughout the project includes the challenge that he enjoyed climbing Mount Everest and is determined to go despite the pitfalls.

The first flight test with a human crew would be scheduled for SpaceX next summer. The first human-free flight to Mars is scheduled for 2022, and the start of the journey with humans is expected to take place two years later.

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