Elon Musk said that if you only earn 40 hours a week, you will never change the world


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Nobody has ever changed the world, it was only 40 hours a week. In this way, he commented on an article on bringing qualified people to work only in SpaceX, Tesla or Neuralink. Elon Musk.

First on Twitters shared a Wall Street Journal report claiming that the companies mentioned in the United States today are among the most lucrative employers. Elon simply wanted to confirm the report, but his statement on 40 hours of work per week may be more critical than expected.

Contributing to Twitters, he was keen to point out that, if we want to change the world, he must go to one of his companies and do dozens of overtime, but the number of users warned that it did not work.

He was reminded that the Tesla factory records more accidents and accidents than other factories. In addition, people also introduced him the story of Alexander Fleming, who went on vacation and isolated penicillin for the large amount of water that he prepared in a flawless petri dish, which dramatically changed the world.

Teachers who said that they also appeared children change the world every day. The parents again pointed out that if employees came home every day at a normal time and spent a good portion of the family with the children, the world could be different.

The visionary is known by his own means extreme day mode. He sleeps an average of six hours and sometimes has to take medication before bedtime to relax at least once a week. it works peacefully for 120 hours.

As he has repeated many times in the past, he often leaves the Tesla factory for several days at work, so his workload can not be considered the healthiest.

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