Elon Musk wants to go to Mars. Thanks to SpaceX, he could sit in the Red Planet rack in the years to come


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The famous billionaire Elon Musk decided to make another controversial statement. Its technology company SpaceX is about to create a missile that could have been the first mission on Mars with a human crew for years. musk but he does not just want to watch. Wish he could participate himself in the mission to start your life on the red planet.

In an interview for a new HBO on HBO, the moderator asked him: "Are you 47 years old, what is the probability of arriving on Mars?" "70%." Musk replied.

Elon Musk wants to go to Mars. Thanks to SpaceX, he could sit in the Red Planet rack in the years to come

An entrepreneur claims to think of to move on Mars and the ticket price will not be as high as many people think. She should move a few hundred thousand dollars. He warns however that there is no vacation for the rich. Surviving in space is very demanding.

The road itself would be a huge test for the rocket and its crew. It is not at all certain that they will survive it. If they happen, it is quite possible that I can not handle the change in the environment, and Mars will kill them shortly before they can take advantage of it.

"The probability of you dying on Mars is much higher than that on Earth.This will be a challenge and the risk of death is high by flying in a small container through a deep space.You can safely land, but you will work then without interruption to build the base.You will not have enough time to rest, " describes his dream Musc.

He added that astronauts would be they could theoretically return to the planet of originbut they do not know if it will be possible. The environment of Marsean is very inhospitable and does not really leave any permission.

We do not know if we will live on Mars and if Elon Musk will be part of the first human expedition to the red planet, but the billionaire really trusts his big project.

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