Enterprise Investors invests in Unilink


BRATISLAVA, July 20, 2018 (WBN / PR) – Enterprise Investors, who joined the Polish business fund VII last year at CBA Slovakia, announced the purchase a stake in Unilink, the main insurance intermediary in Poland. largest private equity firms in Central and Eastern Europe. The company's funds have so far invested 1.8 billion to 142 companies from various industries and put an end to 127 investments in the amount of 3.7 billion Czech crowns. euros. Unilink is the investment over twenty years of Enterprise Investors in the financial services sector in Central and Eastern Europe

Unilink is the largest multi-product insurance brokerage integrator in Poland. The company plans this year to subscribe to insurance contracts in the amount of about 230 million euros. Unilink cooperates with 10,500 insurance agents

" Unilink surpasses all of its competitors in the market in terms of growth, size, operational performance, organizational development and strategic vision." ", said Dariusz Prończuk, Managing Partner Enterprise Investors, responsible for the transaction

The transaction consultants were EY Corporate Finance and Gide

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