Epidemiologist on the cheekbones: the diseases must be worried, better protect the vaccination


Oyspas should be worried because, despite the strict measures of epidemiologists, it is possible to introduce this disease from eastern Slovakia into other parts of the Slovak Republic

  Illustration photo of the article Epidemiologist on bed bugs: Diseases to worry about, better protects vaccination



This is alleged by the main department of epidemiology of the region Banská Bystrica
Public Advocacy Office Maria Avdic

"Pigs are among exanthematous diseases with a high, almost
100% contiguity, that is, contagious. In other words, if you do
the virus responsible for this disease spreads in the population of unvaccinated individuals,
morbidity increases with geometric velocity. All who come to
contact with the sick and unprotected – it does not do it

On the contrary, if the disease is introduced into a highly vaccinated population,
the number of cases is low. "They usually fight
only people who are not inoculated against contraindications, immunized persons and / or
people who refused to vaccinate, "

Donuts are an acute disease caused by a spreading virus
excretion of the nose and mouth of the mucous membrane, he also lived on objects for a while

From human to human, it spreads through the air through
droplets and direct contacts, rarely and indirectly, for example, used
handkerchief or towel

The incubation time of measles is relatively long, from illness to disease
14 days on average. The first symptoms are atypical: temperature, rhinitis
inflammation of the conjunctiva, small suture of the mucous membrane of the mouth. Typical eruption on first
the face will appear three to seven days after the first symptoms, then it will occur
generalized sowing. The disease can also occur with complications,
such as primary viral inflammation of the lungs, convulsions,
brain inflammation

Photo: Illustrative

Source: TASR

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