Erdogan officially won the elections, his party will reign in the alliance


Erdogan will have much more extensive powers in his second term than he has done so far.

Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, with 52.59% of the vote, became the official winner of the presidential election. The Turkish Electoral Council (YSK), which announced the final results of the early parliamentary and presidential elections, reported Wednesday.

Erdogan's Party of Justice and Development (AKP) Alliance and the National Movement Party (MHP) won 344 seats with 53.6% of the vote in a 600-seat parliament . The AKP, which occupied 295 seats, would have missed the majority of the MHP (49 mandates) in parliament

Voter turnout reached 86.2%

Parliament sworn Saturday

According to the President YSK Sadi Güven, Erdogan Over 26 million votes in Turkey (26,330,823).

Erdogan will take an oath on Monday in Ankara. That day, he will also announce the composition of his cabinet, said Anadolu to his spokesman Ibrahim Kalin.

The new parliament will take an oath on Saturday

Erdogan will have much to his second term on the basis of a recent referendum constitutional referendum. powers more extensive than before. The new presidential system in Turkey is to abolish the office of Prime Minister, while the president is also the head of state and head of government

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