Ethiopia and Eritrea, after twenty years, made final peace


Countries agreed to resume air services, reopen embassies and jointly develop ports on the Red Sea coast of Eritrea, reports Reuters.

Ethiopian and Eritrean leaders signed a "joint declaration of peace and friendship" on Monday, in the wake of the historic summit in the Eritrean metropolis of Asmara, which began to normalize bilateral relations between these two countries. Longtime enemies

(Eritrean) President Isaias Afwerki and (Ethiopian) Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, "Eritrean Minister of Information Yeman Gebremeskel told Twitteri, adding a photo of the two leaders behind the meeting table.

resumption of air services, reopening of ambassadors and joint development of ports on the Red Sea coast of Eritrea, reports Reuters, the most specific signs of reconciliation after a military period of 20 years and violence

Abiy Ahmed took office in April and reported a series of reforms that changed the Ethiopian political scene. end in the state of emergency, released prisoners and advised plans to partially open the domestic economy to foreign investors.

The controversial war on the border region between Ethiopia and Eritrea was estimated at 80,000 deaths

The most serious fighting ended in 2000, but soldiers in the US State disputed borders continued to be hit. Ethiopia interrupted diplomatic relations with Eritrea immediately after the beginning of the war in 1998.

Even after the war, the border between Eritrea and Ethiopia remains strongly militarized, notably the town of Badme, which was entrusted to Eritrea in 2002.] But the Ethiopian government ignores it and refuses to withdraw from the city of soldiers and officers

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