Europa 2 changed ownership, became part of the acquisition of several radios | radios


Czech Media Invest (CMI) finalized Thursday the acquisition of radio stations in the Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia and Romania owned by the French group Lagardère. The transaction also includes Slovak Europa station 2. He informed Daniel Častvaj of CMI's board of directors.

According to him, these acquisitions are part of CMI's development strategy in the media segment, and not only in large stations like Frequency 1 and Europa 2.

"There is great potential for the other two radio and digital projects," said D., the group also being strong on social media. In addition to Czech, Polish and Romanian radio stations, the Europa 2 station was also part of the trade.

The owners of CMI are the entrepreneurs Daniel Křetínský (50%), Patrik Tkáč (40%) and Roman Korbacka (10%).

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