Europe is free to travel 159 Slovaks of eighteen


More than two thousand Slovaks fought for free trips to the EU

11. July 2018 at 15:34 TASR


There were 2254 candidates for the 159 tickets awarded to Slovakia through the DiscoverEU Initiative of the EU (DiscoverEU). Ingrid Ludvik from the Press Office of the Representation of the European Commission in Slovakia informed Ingrid Ludvik

Participants were expected to be 18 years old, fill out the application form and answer five questionnaires and one bonus question. When they were picked up, they learned on June 28th.

"They are finalizing routes, buying and delivering tickets and similar logistics," she said. The remaining 2095 Slovaks have become substitutes

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"When I watched a beautiful afternoon, I almost jumped for joy, I did not expect it at all," he told TASR. He knew that the tickets were a limited number. The biggest attraction is the Sagrada Familia Cathedral, as well as tours to Berlin, Paris, Cannes and Milan.

Zuzana Valovičová de Martina wants to visit a city with her friend in Italy, France and Spain.

"I think we will have a lot of new experiences and it will certainly be a good experience because we have to plan and organize all this," she told TASR

. the EU's DiscoverEU initiative has earmarked 12 million euros for which 15,000 Europeans can travel. The second round of applications is scheduled for the fall

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