Even Mars is flat. Flat Earth Theory Challenge fans of NASA on Red Planet


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We could not even think of a group of people who would not accept verifiable scientific knowledge a few years ago. We do not talk about groups rejecting climate change or vaccines, but obviously on the weirdest of them.

Supporters of the flat earth theory It has been a long time since we undermine the widely known evidence that our Earth is round and we rather believe that it is flat.

According to them, the elites of the world mediate for centuries on the real appearance of the planet. Photos from the ISS are wrong in Photoshope. If you look at the horizon, he will not see any cartridges, but it must be clear that the Earth is really flat.

Of course, the Earth is not flat, and flat is not another planet in our solar system. Nevertheless, frustrated users are starting to make their voices heard on social networks, which have noticed that the new InSight probe, after landing on Mars, sent home a suspicious photo.

Part of the population does not even know that the probe was on Mars and another group Mars immediately declared a flat planet like our Earth. A second photograph of a red planet, which has no rounding on the horizon, served as proof.

Fortunately, only a group of people spoke on Twitteri, but the story of Flat Earthers regarding the new "guaranteed" knowledge of Mars has spread with great joy.

The subject of creating a new Flat Mars Society Association was the number one problem just a year ago when supporters of the Flat Earth tightened Elon Musk. He asked why such an organization does not exist and may be a little late, because after NASA's probe landing, it's really possible.

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