Even Starbucks is left with plastic straws


Starbucks, the American coffee maker network, announced Monday that it would gradually stop using disposable plastic straws in its plants by 2020, replacing them with a sustainable alternative.

Starbucks annually consumes more than one billion plastic straps in approximately 28,000 factories worldwide. The goal of the Caviar giant's latest commitment is to reduce waste and protect the environment

Disposable plastic straws are mainly used for the production of frozen drinks. In the future, they plan to serve in a glass with a new design cap that allows them to drink directly, without straw.

Starbucks is already testing paper straws in its operations in the UK and is starting to use new ages in some Canadian and US subsidiaries

The coffee giant also estimates that it distributes a variety of strips of paper and compostable plastic. of its operations 60 million non-recyclable paper and plastic cups. In addition, this waste would like to reduce the business with the initiative "bring your cup" in the United States and Canada

Companies around the world are under pressure as governments and cities struggle to reduce the production of plastic waste polluting the oceans. (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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