Every third child is allergic: the risk can be detected by the pediatrician during the first visit


If at least one of the parents is allergic, the likelihood that his or her child will also have it. (19659002) Illustrative illustration of the article Every third child is allergic: The risk can be detected by the pediatrician during the first visit "/>



Allergy is a disorder in which the immune system overreacts
harmless substance, evaluate it as risky, and trigger a defense response.
The Slovak Pediatric Society in cooperation with the First Initiative
a thousand days on the occasion of World Allergy Day, which falls on
Sunday, warns that allergies can lead to
also with chronic health problems. However, the risk of allergies in the youngest
Children can be diagnosed during the first months of life.

Every third child under 15 years of age suffers from some form of allergy. for
Comparison, a hundred years ago, an allergy was spoken only in one case
100 persons. "In Slovakia, we have more than 1.02 million people,
who consulted the allergic doctor, ie all five
Slovak, "
said a spokesman for the National Health Center
information on Boris Chmel

A family history of allergies is pretty obvious. when
both parents are allergic, there is a 50-90 percent chance of being

If the allergic is one of the parents, the hypothesis of an allergy in a child
is 40-70%

Also, parents of allergy-free children have a probability of five to 25%,

If at least one of the parents is allergic, parents should inform their parents of their allergies.
pediatrician during the first visit to the newborn. "Pediatrician has
in addition to their professional scholarship and quiz tools, test
positive allergy history to identify risk factors for
the incidence of allergy, which can be used in the first contacts
with the child, "
informed the President of the Slovak Pediatric Society
Company and Associate of the Initiative of the First Thousand Days Milan Kuchta

As he added, this test can be used to estimate the risks and
Family hypotheses of development of allergy in a particular child.
"The early identification of risk factors is important
The key to success in the fight against allergy "

Photo: Illustrative

Source: TASR

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