Exceptional situation in Michalovce: deploys the crisis team, doctors revealed a terrible fact


Since Tuesday the 15th, Michalovce has an extraordinary state of affairs. The reason is an explosive increase in the number of people who have been infected with measles during the weekend. 25 people were injured. From 8 am in Michalovce, the crisis staff met the participation of the Chief of Health of the Slovak Republic and the main doctor of the autonomous region of Košice. They announced what additional measures the hygienists will do and the city to stop the measles outbreak.

A number of measures were taken

The Crisis Staff, which met at midnight in Michalovce as part of the measles epidemic, accepted some proposals to be incorporated into the command of the principal. (19659005) Source: TASR – Roman Hanc

These include police surveillance, cancellation of bulk events in the city and places that are outbreaks of infection or death. police assistance in vaccination, but also to ensure its performance. Employees of public and public administration and local self-government should also be expected. These include, for example, employees of social insurance, labor offices, prosecutors, courts, municipal or district offices.

At the end of the crisis, Jana Cibereová, head of the Michalovce district office, told the media. Some tasks, eg the control of the movement of persons infected by the police, which will take place in the area of ​​the outbreaks on Mlynská Street or Veľké Kapušany, can be applied immediately. Other proposals must be put into practice before Friday, July 13th.


Source: TASR – Roman Hanc

[Preparedby[MichalovceandtheRandsintheVillageWewilltrytoidentifythemunicipalitiesinthedistrictwherewewillbeexaminingandcarryingoutthevaccinationofpeople" the chief hygienist of RS Jan Mikas, who was also involved in the crisis. street, about 1 100 people are inoculated and vaccinations must also be those that come into contact with people in the event of contagion.In other words, with respect to the vaccine, they will contact the companies that provide them so that their number is not compromised in the normal vaccination schedule

It is always necessary to ensure hospitalization.In case of local capacity, the reception of patients is accepted in Košice and Prešov "We will contact them and we will ask them to regain the status will ccinal of their employees ", mentioned. According to the Chief Hygienist, the precautions were taken a lot and were correct. "It is important to remember that mosquitoes are a respiratory infection that is very easy to transmit and is a highly contagious disease." ]

  Crisis Cell Session at

Source: TASR – Roman Hanc

Hospital Capacity to Date

The Infectious Department of Michigan Hospital had hospitalized 25 patients with measles , seven of whom were newly treated patients. He said today on behalf of the health network of the world of health, which also includes Michail Hospital, spokesman Tomáš Kráľ. "The critical condition was Sunday night when the number of infectious patients exceeded 30. At this stage, the increased capacity of the department is sufficient," said the King. He added that in case of overflow, the hospital would be forced to send hospitalized patients to other floodplains in Košice and Prešov. Until now, however, such a scenario was not necessary. He pointed out that there are still strict anti-epidemic measures in the hospital, including a strict ban on visits.

No new hospital staff has been infected in the past two weeks. The disease was clinically confirmed by only four doctors, and the other five did not confirm the infection. "Thanks to the revitalization of all employees in danger (a critical group of adults born before 1985), the hospital team managed to defend itself defiantly. to be vaccinated free of charge ", declared the king

Štefan Zamba

  Štefan Zamba

Source: TASR / Roman Hanc

According to the King, the new travel medicine ambulance has a sufficient supply of vaccines against measles and the population "We especially recommend it to a high-risk group that includes unvaccinated children and adults born between 1969 and 1985. The vaccine was less stable at the moment, and their immunity to measles is therefore insufficient, "said the king. 19659007] Head of the Department of Infectious Diseases of the World Health Michalovce Štefan Zamba said that measles is a highly contagious viral infectious disease accompanied by characteristic rashes. The origin of this disease is the measles virus whose natural host is exclusively human. The infection is spread through the droplets of air. The bridge is the joints and mucous membranes of the respiratory system. In humans, who are not vaccinated or have not passed measles in the past, they will be infected by the infected person in contact with the infected person.

"Quarantine and treatment measures are associated with the deportation of contacts, not only the infected patient, but also the members of his family.The disease is particularly dangerous for young children who are at risk of complications. dangerous, especially pneumonia, neuroinfections, inflammation of the middle ear and sinusitis. " Zamba warned

The number of infected animals increased rapidly

according to the data of 110 people, the number of infected patients rose to 161 on Monday, laboratory tests have officially confirmed 68 cases, 93 are still probable. Only in less than two weekends came 25 infected. The crisis team then met on Tuesday and declared a special situation

The crisis team has already reunited early June, but the measles outbreak in Eastern Slovakia has not yet been able to stop. Most (89) recorded them in the city of Michalovce and also in the village of Drahňov (35), from where the breasts began to spread. The problem is particularly Mlynská Street in Michalovce, where many infected hygienists have ordered an additional vaccination for 1,400 people. In the past 20 years, it's the biggest measles outbreak. Until recently, the disease in Slovakia was almost absent

NOW IN THE MICHALOVCE declared an extraordinary state

They need more beds

That's why the team crisis decided Tuesday to resolve the situation. "At this moment, we can say that the beds of the Infectious Disease at the Michigan Hospital are not enough.These are patients aged 0 to 54 years," the department from the inside claims. The hospital has completed 128 patients, with an average hospital stay of five days. There is also an increase in the number of doctors infected with measles – they are now nine. They are five nurses, two doctors, a health assistant and a senior radiologist.

Senior Department of Infectious Diseases of the Michigan Hospital for Emergency Situation

At the morning accident at the Michigan Hospital, 29 people were been hospitalized with measles. "Since last weekend, we have seen an explosive increase in the number of patients in our department." said that the main department of Michigan's hospital department, Štefan Zamba.

In the hospital, they added beds from other departments for a significant increase in the problem of contamination with departmental capacity. "This weekend we had a problem in terms of the ability and care of a large number of these patients," said the Mayor of Michigan Hospital. If their number continues to increase, hospitals in Košice and Prešov should also receive them

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Source: TASR / Roman Hanc

The epidemic can not be stopped

"Of the total number of diseases, four are imported from the UK and nine are professional. were epidemiologically relevant, "said a spokesman for the Public Health Service (DZ) of the Slovak Republic, Daša Račková.The outbreak lasted two months and hygienists could not stop spreading at that time hygienists explained the explanation of the mercury saying that "" people living in a problematic community in Michalovce district under unhygienic housing conditions and patients of this community are not responsible enough to adhere to the anti-epidemiological measures "

The sickest were aged one to 19 years, but children infected up to one year who could not always s not be vaccinated. Among those infected, however, individuals who were recorded in medical records were vaccinated correctly with two mandatory doses of the vaccine.

 Illustration photo

Source: TASR / Roman Hanc

The problem is, however, that the number of vaccinated against measles is decreasing. If less than 95% of children are vaccinated during a given year, the collective immunity is lost. Many people think that if the disease does not occur, vaccination is useless. In the past, about 98-99% of children have been vaccinated, and today the situation is different. The number of vaccinations has decreased in recent years due to various anti-campaign campaigns

The most contagious disease

Measles is one of the most important communicable diseases. It spreads rapidly in the air – a falling infection and an infectious aerosol from coughing and sneezing. They are rarely transmitted indirectly – by objects and hands contaminated by the upper airways or junctions. The entrance gates are upper airways and junctions. He informs the Office of Public Health (HEI) of the Slovak Republic. The incubation time, that is to say the time that elapses from infection after the onset of the first symptoms of the disease, is eight to fifteen days , on average ten days. ÚVZ adds that vaccinations are the most effective prevention against measles

 Illustration photo

Source: TASR / Roman Hanc

Donuts are among the most serious viral diseases of childhood. Their severity is mainly due to frequent complications such as inflammation of the lungs, bronchi, eardrum and central nervous system. Regular compulsory vaccination of children is carried out according to the current vaccination schedule. "The first dose of the vaccine is administered from the 15th to the 18th month of the child's age, the second dose of the 11th year of life" was approached by the spokesperson of the Institute of Public Health of the Slovak Republic. a stage characterized by fever, nausea, cough, inflammation of the joints and resistance to light. At this stage, it is known that marbled spots with a reddish environment occur in the oral mucosa in the stool area. Koplikove spots. On the fourth to fifth day, an eruption develops. It starts at the head and spreads to the face, neck, abdomen and limbs. It lasts about three days. The uncomplicated evolution of the disease lasts from ten to 14 days. The disease has the most serious evolution in children up to three years and adults.

"In order to reduce the risk of measles infection, it is necessary to rapidly detect the disease and report it immediately, including informing international networks, hospitalizing the infectious disease and collecting material. Vaccination of susceptible persons at the onset of the disease where the vaccine is administered from the age of six months The youngest children receive a normal human gamma globulin Increase in health surveillance in collective institutions during 21 days after the end of the disease. " summarizes Račková

Vaccination with MMR vaccine (measles vaccine) begins at the 15th month of life.Impact immunity prevents the spread of infection and local epidemics.It is possible to provide only a high percentage of vaccination of the population, and therefore the most important aspect re still vaccinations

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