Excitement due to the skin color New Hour


An elite investigator accused Anton Š. (41) Trenčín region of dangerous threats, hooliganism and threaten a protected person for a particular motive. Anton is already in detention.

According to the police, Anton Š. during the weekend, to kill the family of Poluvsia (district Prievidza) for the color of its members.

Police received a criminal complaint from the Poluvsia population, stating that she and her family members are threatened by killing her neighbor because of the other color of her husband and her his son. "In this case, the police of the NAKA anti-extremist unit began to act without delay because it suspected the crime of extremism The suspect, with the consent of the Prosecutor of the Special Prosecutor's Office, was arrested and the investigator charged Sunday. " The threats to kill that the police had to raise a legitimate concern about their health and life in the injured part, the accused had to approach them in a hateful manner, in terms of skin color. An insidious statement was also aimed at the child. "The police investigator took charge of the acquittal of the accused, identified by the prosecutor on Tuesday as a judge of the specialized criminal court, which placed the accused in custody on remand because He was reasonably afraid of prosecuting the crime or threatening the crime. "

"I think it's a shame for the whole village Nobody can think about the color of the skin and when both love and have a baby together, no one has given the right to offend, disturb and send them (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns, n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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