Experts launched a petition for a referendum on the retirement cap, stopping it in a single case


BRATISLAVA, July 10 ( – The KOVO union association begins to collect signatures under a petition for a referendum on the introduction of a ceiling for the Age of retirement. On the press press conference, the president of OZ KOVO Emil Machyn said. According to the petition, a 64-year pension ceiling would be introduced by the Constitutional Law

For women who have raised a child, the age of retirement should be at most 63.5 years, for women who raised two children with a retirement age of 63, and women with three and more children could retire at 62.5 years old at the latest.

Electoral Referendum

"It was not discussed in Parliament, it was postponed until September, and Machyna justified the introduction of a petition.

If the project autumn parliament on the drafting of the ceiling of the retirement age had to be approved, the petitioner would stop the petition.However, if the draft constitutional law does not receive the support of 90 deputies of the National Council of RS, trade unionists will continue to collect their signatures under the petition

The head of OZ KOVO believes that they will succeed late of the year to collect the 350,000 signatures needed to declare the referendum, although "be an incredible sum." According to him, the president of the RS could declare a referendum

"Maybe it could associate him with some of the choices that will make money useless, " Machyna claims.

It is not necessary to see only the economy

The union capitulation in relation to the costs of increasing the age of retirement has brought to light the fact that the Slovak economy "You just need to see the economy, people need to be seen," he said. Only tax cuts and the abolition of tax licenses for Machin 's companies have been spent by the state at 400 million euros a year, bringing the state to 4. billion euros in 10 years

income tax "The sources that are supposed to be covered or not, so we are convinced that yes", pointed out Machyna. He noted that retirees pay for the introduction of the second pension pillar

"If we took the 7 billion, which are today in the second pillar and said we would put this money in the interim system,

The appeal of Robert Fico

In early July, the Smer-SD party chairman, Robert Fico, called on the opposition parties to resume talks on the introduction of a cap on OZ KOVO

. Retirement age. "The opposition should stop playing malicious games like the ones I've had signed or not, and let us do it or let it go, " said at a press conference last week

according to Fica, they said that they would not vote for the constitutional bill, since they were not authorized to sign it under this legislative proposal [19659020Retired” am-card-image=”top” data-lazy-srcset=”×54.jpg 81w,×106.jpg 160w,×208.jpg 312w,×448.jpg 672w,×80.jpg 120w, 580w” sizes=”(max-width: 81px) 100vw, 81px” data-dominant-color=”#503c43″/>

If, according to him, Smer-SD failed to propose a constitutional law, (19659005) In order to promote the retirement age in the form of common law, the support of 90 parliamentarians, "Only in the case of common law, any majority that will come in the future can change it," said . The constitutional law, which would have plundered the age of retirement and guaranteed the existence of the second and third pension pillars, would be the most important stability of the social system, according to Fico

Podmanický requested an adjournment [19659011] Parliament at the June meeting on the draft constitutional act the ceiling of the age of retirement must be introduced, and finally he did not vote in first reading. Deputy Ján Podmanický (Smer-SD), on behalf of three coalition parties, Smer-SD, SNS, Most-Hid, requested that one item be moved to the next parliamentary session. "I justify my proposal by trying to create a deadline for the negotiation of this legal standard" justifies Podmanický.

The retirement age of the draft constitutional act is limited to 64 years. Anyone who has raised a child should be entitled to a reasonable reduction in the maximum age of retirement, ie "to support the family and the state maternity."

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